
Showing posts from July, 2020


We have been experiencing an exceptionally high level of spiritual warfare across our country and around the world the past few months. There have been spirits of fear, rage, anger, sickness, disease and poverty released from the kingdom of darkness. Most Christians don’t want to discuss this but we need to know our enemy because Satan is relentless and wants to destroy humanity. Many people are confused and wondering why this is happening. There are Christians who are seeking a word from God in desperation but are listening to the wrong voices. There are false prophets that are leading people astray by releasing erroneous prophecies just to   promote their ministry. The Holy Spirit desires to speak to each one of us but we must learn to discern His voice. It is imperative to follow the voice of the good shepherd in this season. There are pastors who are spiritually famished and trying to keep their ministry afloat in this downturn. They are thinking of creative ways to get people’...


There was a prophet in the Old Testament named Ezekiel who had a very unique ministry. He was a seer prophet who received many visions and extraordinary encounters with God which most people would call bazaar. One of Ezekiels' most famous visions was when the Lord transported him to a valley filled with dry human bones. He was told to prophesy (naba') to the bones and instruct them to come together and be covered with sinews, flesh, and skin and then receive breath (ruwach) The Lord then asked Ezekiel, could these bones live? He replied; "Sovereign Lord, You alone know." Then the Lord told him to prophesy to those dry bones and say to them, 'Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you, and cover you with skin. I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.  Aft...


The past few weeks through all the pandemonium and pandemics in our country I’ve noticed that people have been desperately seeking a word from God. Unbelievers are searching for answers and believers want to know what the Holy Spirit is saying in this hour. We are living in extreme times and experiencing radical behavior in all walks of life. The only people who could turn this chaos around are Holy Spirit filled believers who are strong, sold out to Jesus and walking in an uncompromising holiness and dedication to the Lord.  Passive Christianity will not work in the days ahead. The Lord is raising up a generation who will not tolerate mundane Christianity. They will not settle for less than the inevitable supernatural intervention of God. The apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:4,  my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the p...

Not forsaking the assembling of Ourselves together



This morning as I was doing my laundry, I was waiting for the spin cycle to complete. I began slowly walking back and forth praying in the Spirit. As I started walking the Holy Spirit showed me a picture of lions in a zoo pacing back and forth in their cage. They were agitated from being locked up, and wanting to be set free back into the wild. They were strong and muscular and when meat was thrown into their cage they devoured it. When they are released from captivity and get back out into the wild, they are going to take off running into the environment that they were created to live in.  The Lord says; this is how it will be with the body of Christ. Many are discouraged and dismayed from being locked up and shut down. Right now believers are imprisoned and locked out of their churches, but they are being fed meat and strengthened by Me during this time of isolation. Many apostles, prophets, pastors and teachers are being trained during this time in t...