
Showing posts from 2013

Change your mentality!

You are a son or daughter of God and more than a conqueror. You have not received the spirit of fear but of power, love, and sound mind. You are called to move mountains and to go to another level. Change your mentality! For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. —2 Corinthians 10:3 The enemy works in five ways: The power of suggestion Mentalities Strongholds Reprobate mind Apostasy The Power of Suggestion The power of suggestion takes place when Satan comes to your mind, as he did with Eve and Jesus, and the thought seems to be yours because you don’t always see that it is Satan’s. The enemy will always come to you during your weakest moment; when you are emotionally or spiritually tired. You have to remain spiritually strong and constantly align your mind and spirit with the Word of God. When these thoughts come, you have two options: you can fight them or entertain and meditate on them. For example, no one co...

Not Far Off

Dec 16, 2013 04:21 pm | Glynda Linkous Bear with Me in the world a little longer, My precious children. The end is not far off and those of you who watch and wait for My Son’s soon return shall not be disappointed. Many shall mourn as they realize the end is here and they have not prepared their souls, as they have not believed. But you, My children, have much joy and celebration awaiting you! Your days of sorrow and struggle on the earth shall be over as you step into the Kingdom of Heaven where you shall spend eternity with Me. I know many of your times on earth have been filled with pain and hardship and though each one had its purpose in your lives, you shall be greatly rewarded for your patient endurance. Be patient and do good each day while you await the end. In the world is much darkness.  Overcome the darkness by allowing My light and love to flow through you to others, that they may also know Me. In this way, you will be witnessing of Me at ...

Seek the Lord first! Use discernment from the Holy Spirit. Message is below, Love you guys

Published on Dec 12, 2013  Seek the Lord first! Use discernment from the Holy Spirit. Message is below, Love you guys Message: My son you are the one to sound the alarm amongst others. You have been given the responsibility of this due to your placement in My Kingdom. I care for My children so much and I need willing souls to sound the alarm of My Return, for it is a glorious return for My Bride. It is the sign they have been longing for and will get very soon. Many will be taken by complete surprise by what will happen in the sky. They will fear greatly at the sight shown to them in the heavens. I will reveal Myself in a glorious way that all will see. They will then know in their hearts what is taking place. Many will then come to repentance while others will shun this Great act of Mercy. They will not believe that I, the Son of Man has come to take away My children, while simultaneously pouring out My Wrath. They are in the dark and do not seek to reside in My Light....

Dr Jack Van Impe - December 2013

Published on Dec 6, 2013  Jack Van Impe Presents of December 7th 2013. Today Rexella and Jack talk about: Billboard calls Jesus "Useless Saviour". The final goals of the New Age Movement. What your heart needs to know about the purpose driven church. Too many people who say that they want to follow Christ, don't believe in God's Word the Bible, they don't take the time to read it and they are easily deceived by preachers who present un-biblical teaching. It begins with them telling you, there is a better translation than the King James Bible, then they begin teaching and preaching from different versions. The enhance God's word to say what it has never said, and they remove passages and ideas that they do not agree with. Take Hell for instance ... Rick Warren does not preach on it ever, instead he has taken the stand that there are many ways to heaven.  Not much different than Pope Francis, whom also is telling people that they can be save...

Prophecy by Jerry Savelle

Brother Jerry Savelle has received a word from the Lord about 2014 and the church entering into the glory. This excites me!!! What I have been waiting for!!! Word of the Lord for 2014 by Jerry Savelle -------------- Word of the Lord for 2014 Never stop celebrating  what I’ve already done  Now expect Me to do the greater  and it will come  2014 will be known  as the year of the greater! I’m ready saith the Lord  to do a new thing  The likes of which  you’ve never seen  My glory shall come  in such a way  That you’ll stand in awe  and begin to say  My God, my God,  I never knew  That I would get to see  this side of You  Such splendor, such power  and magnificence too  No wonder the earth  will bow down to You  The prophets said these things  would come to pass  And now they’re here—  at last, at last  The greater glory  they spoke about...


Tuesday, 10 December 2013 THE GREAT HARVESTING OF SOULS When The LORD Jesus Christ was going to Heaven after His resurrection, the angel of The LORD proclaimed as follows in the book of Act 1:10-11 ‘“They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”’ And so it is very important to note that there is a moment very imminently when The LORD Jesus Christ will return to take to Heaven those who have believed in Him and have prepared the way for His coming. And before that happens i.e. the Rapture, there has to be a deliberate Great move of The LORD God Almighty, The LORD Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit in what can be called: The Great Harvesting of souls. This Great Harvesting of souls is already happening in some...

The Affairs of Your Heart

Dec 06, 2013 09:51 am | Glynda Linkous   The New Year shall bring many more changes to My people, more so to some in particular nations than in others. My people are busy preparing for what lays ahead and looking forward to My soon return to the earth. My people are busy with the affairs of their lives, the affairs of their hearts and the affairs of My Kingdom work. Be careful, My children, that the affairs of your hearts do not lead you astray. Many of you are distracted with trying to fill the emptiness inside you with the wrong kinds of things. Do not enter into anything you know will displease Me in these perilous times! Far too much is at stake for you now. Do not be snared with the sins of your past as those who belong to this world are. You are Mine! You have been set apart for a special work and you are to keep separate from sin of all kinds. If you will seek in My Word to fill the voids inside you, I shall fill them for you, My child. If you...

The Slightest Whisper of Your Heart

Dec 03, 2013 03:28 pm | Glynda Linkous   I will now begin to prepare each of you in very special ways for your very unique assignments. In these last days, what I have called some of you to is not only unique, but in some cases, very unusual. Because My plan for the end times is both unique and unusual, and it shall awe the world. I have many judgments planned for various parts of the world for these end times, to cause the lost to seek My face. So many men think they have no need of Me, so I must show them their need in ways that cause them to seek, and in some cases, to cry out, to Me. This is the only way many will ever be saved, for great wealth or status tends to make men feel safe and guarded, but no one is safe without My care and protection. Do not fear, My little ones, when you see these judgments fall. Some may seem harsh to you, but true harshness would be to let so many perish without ever knowing Me. Though things and conditions may see...