Seek the Lord first! Use discernment from the Holy Spirit. Message is below, Love you guys

Published on Dec 12, 2013 

Seek the Lord first! Use discernment from the Holy Spirit. Message is below, Love you guys

My son you are the one to sound the alarm amongst others. You have been given the responsibility of this due to your placement in My Kingdom. I care for My children so much and I need willing souls to sound the alarm of My Return, for it is a glorious return for My Bride. It is the sign they have been longing for and will get very soon. Many will be taken by complete surprise by what will happen in the sky. They will fear greatly at the sight shown to them in the heavens. I will reveal Myself in a glorious way that all will see. They will then know in their hearts what is taking place. Many will then come to repentance while others will shun this Great act of Mercy. They will not believe that I, the Son of Man has come to take away My children, while simultaneously pouring out My Wrath. They are in the dark and do not seek to reside in My Light. They know that coming to My Light will only reveal their darkness and show how I TRULY see them, for I am Judge and no one else. My son I care dearly for all My Little ones but I cannot force them to receive My Love. Who am I as a Father to make a child Love Me? For this is not Love at all. I am a Gentleman and give the greatest of the blasphemers My respect. I cannot stress enough children that My coming is so very soon! THE TIME IS NOW! How much more can I yell this? I want all My children prepared. Not one I want lost for I made them out of MY LOVE! I am so sadden by the lies and hypocrisy that has taken over the churches for they do not have Me in their hearts. they speak scripture but neglect My calling to repentance. How can this be just? How can I look away from this children? I cannot and will not for I am fair God. I see ALL things children, nothing hides from My sight. I will deliver My Bride out of this world and set them free from the bondage placed on them for I AM GOD AND I ANSWER TO NO ONE BUT I! My son continue to pray for the softening of hearts for this prepares many to receive Me, for ALL NEED Me! I cant wait to have My Bride in My arms! They are Mine to hold and our marriage has been kept to the end. They have shown and proven themselves worthy of My Kingship and Wedding Supper, and I will give it to them in a great Celebration! They will not be able to fathom what I have prepared, for it is glorious! A rightful celebration for a wedding fit for a Queen! All is prepared children! ALL is ready. Nothing left but the Bride in her glorious gown of achievement and royalty! I Love you My darlings and everything will be revealed VERY soon to the world of who I am. I cannot wait to show you all what I have prepared for so long! It will take your breath away! I LOVE YOU! Shalom

Your Bridegroom Yahshuah HaMashiach


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