Dr Jack Van Impe - December 2013

Published on Dec 6, 2013 

Jack Van Impe Presents of December 7th 2013. Today Rexella and Jack talk about: Billboard calls Jesus "Useless Saviour". The final goals of the New Age Movement. What your heart needs to know about the purpose driven church.

Too many people who say that they want to follow Christ, don't believe in God's Word the Bible, they don't take the time to read it and they are easily deceived by preachers who present un-biblical teaching.

It begins with them telling you, there is a better translation than the King James Bible, then they begin teaching and preaching from different versions. The enhance God's word to say what it has never said, and they remove passages and ideas that they do not agree with. Take Hell for instance ... Rick Warren does not preach on it ever, instead he has taken the stand that there are many ways to heaven. 

Not much different than Pope Francis, whom also is telling people that they can be saved without Christ if they are sincere in what the believe, and that Muslims, Hindus, and others have their own path to God.


Do not believe Rick Warren with his easy believeism, that tickles your ears and seals your fate. Rick may not believe in Hell but Jesus spoke on it, and if His word is not true then there is no salvation, because that means Jesus lied, and a lier cannot be a sinless saviour.

Apostasy and the great falling away is here!

Apostasy is a defection from the faith, a departure from what you once had. Jesus said: Luke 18:8 Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

This apostasy is described in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-5

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

Do not listen to these who are pope, priest, and preachers who deceive and lay a foundation for the masses to accept and believe that the Anti Christ who is about to be revealed is God.

Do not read or receive any false translation of the Bible, God's Holy Word, and do not listen to those who would teach you from them. The KJV is the best translation, the others are all flawed and point toward the Anti Christ.

The day is at the door, it is almost here, we who are In Christ will be removed as Jesus will call His Bride, the Anti Christ is about to be reveled and Billions will believe and follow him instead of Christ in a new One World Religion.

Do not be found among them

Christian you need to watch this video.

If you feel the Holy Spirit nudging you, then today is the day of Salvation. It's as easy as your ABC's to know if you are saved.

A. Admit you are a sinner, all of us have sinned and fallen short. Confess your sin to God and Repent.
B. Believe that God sent His Son Jesus to pay for your sin, a price you cannot pay, that Jesus died and rose again victorious, defeating death and the grave and even now stands at Gods right hand. His blood covering will clean you before God.
C. Call on Jesus Holy Name. Ask Jesus into your heart to be your Saviour. Confess with your mouth, believe in your heart, and you will be saved

Salvation cannot be lost...

It cannot be lost, you would have to declare the Grace of God insufficient. 

Or find the Grace of Jesus Christ faulty.
Or get Christ to take back His Righteousness. 
Or have the pardon removed from your sin. 

You cannot lose your salvation, as God would have to take back His pardon, You would have to be aborted and removed from the family of God, by God since you were born again as Jesus told Nicodemus you must to be born again.

If you are saved then nothing can take you from the hand of God, nothing can remove the salvation and righteousness that God has given to you.


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