New Light

Published on Aug 12, 2013

Children of the Most High, this is your Lord and Savior speaking, My blessed beloveds,

You have come to a time of greater quickening - My complete undoing of the old in order to make new. In order to bring about your final deliverance and suspension from this domain of darkness, sin and deception. 

You, beloved of God can not go back for what has been started by me shall be completed in those who have shown themselves approved, worthy, faithful and true. You my children must make way for the changes taking place, in order for My good work to come into its fullness. It shall do so by My righteous right hand - be attentive to My direction and moves, My anointings and outpourings upon your spirit now. Rest in Me,wait upon Me accordingly. 

You have come into My light children, it brightens now. Blinding those who are in darkness, those who are not able to see clearly. Blessed are those who awaken to this new light that shines upon you, that dwelleth within you. For this light shall touch their souls and draw them unto Me. Children, the light of My countenace strengthens now. It grows, it radiates like never before. Pursue Me and no darkness shall remain. 

This place I AM leading, this place many have come. Bask in My presence now, dwell within My light and shine children. Shine for you are beacons - My vessels of light, love and truth. You are My workers, My servants, My disciples.You are the kingdom of God upon earth and by you I AM embodied, made known unto others - I AM revealed. Children the way is Me. Draw closer now. Love,



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