Waiting in the Spirit

Published on Aug 6, 2013

Children of the Most High, this is your lord and Savior speaking, Yeshua Ha Mashiach,

My beloveds, I come to you speaking words of truth now, as time moves forward you shall witness the descent of many of My spoken Judgments. More and more, prophecies shall come to pass in a sequence of unprecedented events. Children, I warn beforehand - years, months, days in advance. I warn continuously until the appointed time that man may heed, wake up, prepare. That man may be prepared spiritually by coming before Me in remorseful, sincere, true repentance, seeking My deliverance through faith and obedience.

Children, all will come to pass as ordained. Every judgment, every prophesied event of old and new shall take place but at My time. Not according to man's timelines and estimates. I remind you children, such activities are useless, folly, they only lead to disappointment and vain pursuits of the things of God.

Your duty is to be found in Me, waiting, at peace, purified and cleansed, made ready - pleasing and of God. Your goal is to be a wise virgin, patiently waiting for Me with your oil lamps lit and full, radiant - illuminating all darkness around you. You are to be salt upon the earth. My chosen servants doing my will, living according to My commandment and precepts. Your purpose is to be found in a right standing relationship with Me, worthy and approved, living in a sacred intimacy, deep fellowship and constant, daily supernatural communion.

I AM ready children, all is ready, in order and manifests now in the physical. Children, think not according to the earthly realm but spiritual, for it is in the spirit the truth of all things lies. The earth is deception, veiled in darkness and corruption. I AM the light that reveals the truth, the divine plan and happenings of god. Rely not upon your own understanding but that of God. You are to remain waiting, watching, surrendered and devoted for your redemption is come children, this I promise is so. Love,



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