Part II - Spiritual Winter of the World:
Time period of Indignation, vengeance, cursing, justice, God's whirlwind, tempest, uproar (Archer's piercing Arrows) upon the wicked and against the Nations. - Scales of Judgment: the paying of dues, SIN (evil, rebellion, disobedience, rejection), the Lord reaping what is owed. - Isaiah 34: Judgment of the Nations * Psalms 9 The Destruction of BABYLON: fall/downfall, death ruin, collapse - Jeremiah 51: The Utter Destruction of Babylon - The Lord's recompense for the house, temple, spiritual children of Israel * repayment, vindication - Piercing sharp Arrows = Judgment: exposing of truth, removal of false idols, false images, division and separation, cursing, breaking, humbling and abasement, DESOLATION, the END (calamity, collapse, ruin, SHAME) - WOE to the wicked, rich, prideful, powerful and corrupt, the false shepherds, the...