Part II - Spiritual Winter of the World:

Time period of Indignation, vengeance, cursing, justice, God's whirlwind, tempest, uproar (Archer's piercing Arrows) upon the wicked and against the Nations. 
- Scales of Judgment: the paying of dues, SIN (evil, rebellion, disobedience, rejection), the Lord reaping what is owed. 
- Isaiah 34: Judgment of the Nations

The Destruction of BABYLON: fall/downfall, death ruin, collapse
- Jeremiah 51: The Utter Destruction of Babylon
- The Lord's recompense for the house, temple, spiritual children of Israel * repayment, vindication
- Piercing sharp Arrows = Judgment: exposing of truth, removal of false idols, false images, division and separation, cursing, breaking, humbling and abasement, DESOLATION, the END (calamity, collapse, ruin, SHAME)
- WOE to the wicked, rich, prideful, powerful and corrupt, the false shepherds, the foolish: destruction, death, shame has come, it's all over (no more joy, prosperity, abundance, exaltation - only desolation and despair for darkness has set in).

For the Lost Sheep, Fools, the False = fatal blows, punishing strikes, Scorpions "sting(s)" - hit where and when most vulnerable
- Evil returning back upon the wicked, ungodly and Nations = the vengeance of the Almighty (wormwood, bitterness)
- Removal of the false, the apostate
* Spiritual falling of "fire and brimstone" = wrath, revenge, disaster - sorrow, no recovery, FEAR

Heart of Babylon = the Matrix
- Great "shaking", crises, set on fire // swift, rapid, quick collapse (destruction)
- No escape for the Lost, fools and false = LOSS of wealth, riches, treasures
- There shall be torment, pain, suffering, insecurity, sorrow, fear, COLD harsh truth and reality revealed BUT the leads to the spiritual awakening of the Lost: revealing of God's power and glory, authority, His righteousness, majesty, veils lifted, scales removed from their eyes (no longer blind, asleep) - the light (the Lord) shall pierce through the darkness
- Marks the end of the age of grace, the time of innocence

Babylon has plunged into darkness:
Lost sheep - Sons of sorrow, their spiritual winter worsens, cursing, exposing *Circumcision
Fools, False - exposed,fall, broken, shame, removed, death, *Condemnation, hell fire
= No more false idols, images, loss of wealth, riches, earthly treasures of prosperity

For the BRIDE: Eternal Summer of the soul
- Rest, consummation // Blessings, gifts, rewards *Favor
- Completion, perfection (refined by Holy Fire, sanctified, healed) // Mercy, Restoration, victory, safety and protection (provision) 
- Covered, sealed (transfigured, born again), white garments (new wine, new skin, pure gold, pure oil)
- Transfer of power: "rod of iron", golden scepter of rule
- Revealed, visible, made known (no longer hidden) = First Born status // True Priests (144 000)
- Light: shining, radiant, resurrected, fully awakened, fullness of God, immovable, imperishable, divine. Vessels of the Lord (His army, soldiers), stars, angels, doves, diamonds * The rise of the Judges and Witnesses (dominion and authority of the Saints)
- Abundance, prosperity, strength, peace, bliss, miracles, wonders = Kingdom of Heaven coming into the physical, greater manifestation

This is the time in which the Matrix shall be ever more exposed - it's failure, illusions, poisonous lusts and corruption (man's captivity, enslavement, bondage). This shall occur through the destruction of Babylon (economic collapse, war = ruin, desolation, despair) AND Creation's revenge: the earth shall be ravaged with calamity, chaos, numerous catastrophic disasters ex. earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions) , wrath of land, water 
- The Scorpions Sting: the thief is coming to steal, kill and destroy. The Lost sheep will search for the truth and seek God with the loss and destruction of Babylon (no more pleasure, prosperity, abundance - idols, false images only harsh truth) and be FOUND. 
- The Lord shall be working through His saints, the Bride : beacons of light, love and truth, guides, helpers, pillars of strength, salt, power, glory (miracles and wonders). The shall shine, be light that pierces the darkness. 
- Lost sheep shall receive the outpourings of the spirit of God, they shall encounter during this time the colossal "move" of God. they shall be awakened during the time of trouble. There will be an accelerated chastisement, cleansing, purification through suffering, tribulation, the stings and fiery arrows of of the Lord's Judgment, wrath and vengeance. The Lost are stricken and afflicted out of mercy and grace, by truth that they may be rescued and redeemed, so that they may REPENT and come out of Babylon before it is too late.


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