Fiery Judgment of God
Published on Oct 28, 2013
Part I - Introduction
Definition of SPIRITUAL WINTER: a period of in which the soul suffers trial, tribulation, testing, loss and sacrifice, persecution, a time of sorrows. The Lord's judgment, whirlwind, tempest, wrath. It is a time of hardship, numerous battles, difficulties, pain, anguish and affliction.
The Lord is judging and dividing humanity, separating and sealing the fate of all men:
1. The Bride (the Elect, Chosen, First Fruits, Wise Virgins)
2. The Lost Sheep
3. The Fools, The False (Condemned)
* The spiritual winter will affect each group differently. Each will have a purposed prophetic reality to face. The Lord's stings and fiery arrows of judgment shall be focused upon the Lost Sheep, Foolish, against the False. For the Bride it is actually an eternal summer. Please check out the previous spiritual revelation and past video messages for details.
The Spiritual Winter is symbolized by:
1. Scales of Judgment (Libra constellation, September to October) *God/Jesus is the righteous judge, judges all righteously. Man's good and evil, sins are weighed, all are rewarded and punished accordingly, this includes NATIONS. Again,
the Lord is judging and dividing humanity, separating and sealing the fate of all men.
The most important Fall feasts all signify the time of the Lord's Judgment - the weighing and atonement of sin.
2. Scorpion's Sting (Scorpio constellation, October to November) *Found in scripture as a references to pain, torment, punishment and DEATH // the enemy, demons. Fatal blows, strikes, "hits", trouble.
Deuteronomy 8:15
1 Kings 12:11
Ezekiel 2:6
Luke 10: 19
Revelation 9:3-5, 10
3. The Archer's Arrows (Sagittarius constellation, November to December) *Centaur - Half man, half beast with bow and arrow: I was given a vision of a mighty white horse, the Lord was upon the horse with a bow and arrow, shooting into the fore as dark clouds rolled in.
Fiery arrows = symbolic of conquer, conquering, wrath, punishment. Also, God's authority and dominion, majesty. Jesus judging and making war (the 1st Seal)
Numbers 24:8
Job 6:4
* Revelations 6:1-2
These SYMBOLS reflect the themes, prophetic happenings of the spiritual winter season. All these symbols can be found throughout scripture (Judgment, Scorpion, Arrows) and provide the framework of spiritual revelation.
4. ORION (the constellation) is a most significant SYMBOL that pertains to the spiritual winter season of the world.
Orion = Hebrew word "Kesil" = fool and is also related to "Kislev" (the month in the Jewish Calendar November to December = Winter!)
Strong's H3685 "Kes'el" = a fool, the idea of impiety : lack of reverence, ungodliness, unholiness, sinfulness, immorality, blasphemy, apostasy, vice, transgression, mockery, insolence, wrongdoing, arrogance, rebellion, violence
Found in scripture: *Chapters in which refer to the prophetic truths taking place during the spiritual winter season
Amos 5 - Seek the Lord and Live, a warning, a call to repentance before destruction (Judgment and wrath, Day of the Lord)
Isaiah 13 - The Judgment of Babylon (Day of the Lord, wrath - punishment of the world, evil, sinners : the wicked, prideful and arrogant, death, darkening of the Heavens, shaking of the Heavens and Earth)
Job 9, 38 - The Power and Glory of God, His Creation and dominion over all
- Orion is clearly visible in the night (northern hemisphere) from November to February
- It is symbolic of the winter season
- Orion's is characterized by tempest, unpredictability, numerous disturbances, wind, rain (turbulent stormy weather)
- Nimrod, the great hunter aka Orion, who was in opposition to God was bound to the sky for rebellion against Jehovah (Jewish tradition). Nimrod is signifies rebellion, a tyrant who against the Lord. He is depicted in the Tanakh as a man of power in the earth, and a mighty hunter. Extra-biblical traditions associating him with the Tower of Babel led to his reputation as a king who was rebellious against God.
Orion is a Greek name and in the ancient Greek myths is known as the Giant, the hunter (aka Nephilim, Fallen angel, of the enemy)
= Orion is symbolic of the fool, the fools, the unrepentant, rebellious, disobedient sinners who reject God and do not fear Him. This spiritual winter shall be a time of the Lord's judgment and wrath against the fools, the false - the condemned.
Related video messages:
"Spiritual Revelation: Major move of the Spirit":
"Revealing of the Son's of God" :
"A Bitter Winter":
"Eternal Summer vs. Eternal Shame OR Bitter Winter":
"My Light Beckons":
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