February 6, 2016


There is a story in the Old Testament about a prophet (seer) named Samuel whom the bible says that as he grew, none of his words fell to the ground, meaning that every prophetic word that he spoke came to pass. He heard the audible voice of the Lord as the Lord called him at a very young age of about 12 years old. He did not recognize the Lords voice at first. (1 Samuel chapter 3) but then he answered and was launched into one of the greatest prophetic ministries in the bible.
In the book of 1 Samuel Chapter 9 there is a story of a man named Saul who was also called to be a prophet (seer) with a unique gift. Saul's father Kish lost his donkeys and sent Saul and his servant to look for them. They couldn't find the donkeys but the servant said, there is an honorable man in this city and all that he says surely comes to pass. The story goes on to say that as they were walking, they met up with the Prophet Samuel. God told Samuel the day before, that he was going to meet Saul, and He told him every detail about him. When they met, Samuel anointed Saul to be a prophet, and prophesied to him about becoming the king of Israel. He prophesied with such accuracy and precision. Samuel even told Saul by word of knowledge that his father's donkeys were already found.
The Holy Spirit is showing me that He is raising up prophets, releasing prophetic gifts and using them to proclaim His prophetic word with such precision and accuracy to the nations. We are actually beginning to experience this now.
The Lord says; just as I did in days past, I will speak and lead you in unusual ways. I am raising up those who will prophesy with precision and accuracy. Their ears will be fine-tuned to hear My voice, and they will speak in harmony with My words. I will join them together with other prophetic voices as in a company of prophets. Don't look at the prophets of old or covet their mantles because I am releasing a fresh anointing and new mantles in this day and age. I am raising up those to begin to see beyond their natural sight and comprehend beyond their natural senses. They will be attuned to the symphonies of heaven. Those who are tuned in to My voice will no longer be led astray by the voices of strangers. They will discern false teachings and false prophets. They will recognize the genuine from the profane. I will give them keen discernment and I will train them to know My ways. They will enter into My presence with ease and show others how to enter in a new way.
What you think that you may have lost, will certainly be found. I have set you in a particular direction for a purpose and with a plan. Listen for My voice in times of loss. Listen for My voice in times of need. There are times that I will meet with you when you least expect it, and speak to you in the places where you would least expect. You will meet others along the way. Just as Samuel anointed Saul with a flask of oil, I call each one individually, and I have a unique way of bringing each one of you into your destiny. Just as I spoke through Samuel, many will become My voice to this generation. They have been marked from a young age and they will soon recognize My voice. Some have been called to be prophets to the nations. They will walk in a life of victory because they are Spirit led and not led by their own fleshly desires. They will enter into this higher dimension, and they will receive the fullness of what I have for them. I will place My word in their mouth, which will bring correction as well as direction, as they carry My word and My glory to the ends of the earth says the Lord.
1 Samuel 3:10
Now the Lord came and stood and called as at other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" and Samuel answered, "Speak, for Your servant hears."
1 Samuel 3:19
So Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground.
1 Samuel 9:6a
And he said to him, "Look now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man; all that he says surely comes to pass.
1 Samuel 10:6
Then the Spirit of the Lord will rush upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man.
Elaine Tavolacci


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