"The River, the Harvest, and the Heavenly Rain of Christ"

I was lying upon my bed, and I went into the vision. I was walking down my trail to the river again. I got to the place where the rocks and the big boulders were that I like to sit on, but this time I went to the edge by the smaller rocks were and sat down and just put my feet into the flowing water. I was weary and had been struggling with some recent health issues and just wanted to chill out and soak. I sat there just absent mindedly watching the water run across the tops of my feet, when I noticed a little fish come near to me and it began to suck on my toes. I wiggled my toes and laughed at the little fish, which broke me out of the weary mood I was in.
Jesus then appeared next to me and said, “He is drawn to you Sue, because you are called to the harvest. Your feet are called to walk this earth, and to reach those souls who will be coming into My Kingdom. But you cannot reach them all in the manner that you do now. You cannot continue to carry the weight and the burdens of the people because it is wearing you out. You are tired, and you are physically spent trying to do what I have called you to do. You cannot please men, nor meet their demands, you must meet Mine. You are not called to carry them, I am. You are not called to do all of the labors that are involved, My Body is. I have a better way for you. What you call ministry in your day is not what I have intended for My leaders to do, or to be. You must all lean into Me! It is not your labors that will bring the harvest in, it is Mine.”
Jesus said, “Come here.” Jesus then reached over and He grabbed me and He shoved my head and part of my left shoulder inside of his chest. Here I am with a part of me inside of Jesus and the rest of me sitting by the waters edge! What was so amazing is that inside of Jesus was it was raining. It was pouring down rain. My head and shoulder was in a huge heavy rainfall! I was totally soaked inside of Him, but it was a heavenly rain, a living rain!
All of my physical and mental tiredness instantly left, and I could feel His life flowing into me. It came to me to then go all the way into Him. So I did, and now I am standing inside of Jesus in a downpour of rain. The drops were huge, and were like blue diamonds falling. This rain was alive. I realized while looking at it that it was Jesus Himself, in this form. He is our Rain of Refreshing, but He is more than that, He is our Life! This was the true Latter Rain! This was His Life “raining” inside of us, and then also to be “reigning” on the outside of us!
I drew in the rain now, as I was totally saturated on the outside, I began to draw it inside of me too. I could feel it filling my cells up. I could feel it filling my organs up. I could feel it filling my bones up. I could feel it flowing as a river inside of me, while standing there within Him. Then I was instantly back out there sitting by the river with Him again.
Jesus said, “This is what you are to be, a conduit of Me. It is not your gifts, or your talents, your spiritual office, nor your position that will bring a single soul to Me. It is Me! I desire to bring each of My ministers into the higher realms of My Being, so they can release those realms of who I am into the earth. For all men will be drawn to Me alone, and not unto men anymore. When I am lifted up, or released in the fullness of who I am- then all men will be drawn unto Me. It is time for the higher levels of who I am to flow from heaven down into the earth. You are to cease from your earthly labors and enter into Mine, but you are also to open up, and let Me flow in My fullness unto My People. I shall not only build My House, I shall inhabit it. I shall not only build My People, I shall inhabit them. I am the Latter Rain, your latter rain. I shall satisfy the hunger and thirst of My People, and I shall begin with you.”
Then Jesus stood up and I followed and stood up too. He then stepped right inside of me, and then I could feel the rain also raining within Me! He said, “This is how it is to be. I am not interested in how well you move in My gifts, or in My power, or how well you speak, although these things are important. I am interested in how much you allow Me, to be Me. I am interested in the quality of My Reality that you embody and flow in. It is about our relationship, not just performance. When I am your Life, and that fuller Life is developed and flowing within, then you can do all that I have called you to do, for it will be “I” that is doing it within you. No more control! My Church is not an organization or a machine, she is My Body! What is within Me, is also resident in her, for it is Me! This is what I desire, that all of My People would learn to embody Me to the fullest degree, and then to fully let Me be!”
“It is time to embody My greater reality! It is time to stand up across this earth, and to enter into My Rains, for I will rain upon and within those who will come to Me, and who will fully surrender their ways to My Ways. All other ways and methods of ministry will fail you in the coming days. You cannot get to where I want to take you, in your current physical and spiritual levels. You must all rise up higher and you must also allow Me to flood you with My greater realities! I am the more effective way! I am the only way! Let go of the old ways, and lean into Me!"
"This is most important in your day, for My floods are coming, and most of My leaders will be swept away in them, for they are not ready. I am not fully formed within them. I am about to fully break out, and everything that does not look like Me, nor embody Me, will be swept away, to make room for what I will bring forth and build in your days. It is a New Day. This is a manifestation of the release My Heaven Borne Possibilities and Reality! I shall restore all things, for I am the Jubilee!”
Isaiah 45:8 Let fall in showers, you heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down righteousness [the pure, spiritual, heaven-born possibilities that have their foundation in the holy being of God]; let the earth open, and let them [skies and earth] sprout forth salvation, and let righteousness germinate and spring up [as plants do] together; I the Lord have created it.
Acts 3:19 So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, of reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of the Lord; 20 And that He may send [to you] the Christ (the Messiah), Who before was designated and appointed for you—even Jesus, 21 Whom heaven must receive [and retain] until the time for the complete restoration of all that God spoke by the mouth of all His holy prophets for ages past [from the most ancient time in the memory of man].
- - Susan O’Marra
- - 02-04-16
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