Harry Potter and Deceptive Spirits

In these last days, many are following the teachings and practices of men, whether they agree with them or not, just because they are approved of by men of large ministries.

Many ignore the check in the Spirit and give into what they thought was wrong and they buy into these things.

We were at a Church and the principal of their Christian Church was at the pulpit with the perfect opportunity to speak out against Harry Potter being witchcraft, but instead he promoted it and said it was good reading material for children!
My husband looked over at me and said, “If we choose to sit under the leadership of this church, we are going to take in this same spirit of deception,” so we left.

Later I was at a prophetic conference which had a very strong anointing upon one of the prophetic praise teams.  I thought it was of God.  It actually felt like the room went topsy-turvy and I thought it was just a ‘shift’ in the Spirit from God.
Later, I was on my back under an anointing that was like a drug.  I remember saying to myself, “I have this short culotte dress and my legs are up like riding a bicycle!”  I said, “I am not being very decent!”  But I said, “But this is got to be okay – no one will see, because I am under the anointing!” Many years later the LORD showed me that many have come under a false anointing and seductive spirit, thinking it was a move of His Spirit.

There is a true and a counterfeit, even in holy laughter and other manifestations of the spirit. I’ve been taken up in mighty whirlwinds which I quenched, because I wasn’t sure of them.  Whatever is of God would give you confidence it is Him and will not bring confusion or fear!
God is faithful to teach us and keep us safe.  He said the elect would not be deceived for He would shorten the days or else we would be!

Don’t follow the crowds who teach heresies and false doctrines.  Use your discernment.  Test the spirits!
Follow those who teach you to beware of the counterfeit.  Don’t trust those who encourage you to trust them in all that they promote, without testing the spirit. Don’t allow the laying on of hands speedily. Many are taking in strong spirits of deception by just giving an ear to their teachings, even though they seem sound!  Many are taking in false anointings! Know who you are dealing with!  Use wisdom for these are the last days!

  Yolanda Ballard


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