Prophetic Warning!
I hear the Spirit say, “My sword now brings forth swift and simultaneous change to the nation of America and the nation of France”!
Then I saw and heard, the Angel Gabriel standing over the nation of France releasing a holy decree!
Last night I had a very powerful and poignant dream where I saw the Angel Gabriel standing with a drawn silver sword over the nation of France.
Now in the dream I was positioned on the boundary lines of the nation of France. I stood watching as the Angel Gabriel lifted up a silver sword over the nation and he began to release this holy decree; “It has begun. For the sword of the LORD is now falling upon this nation”!
Then I was lifted up in the dream and I was taken to where the sea and the land meet over the nation of France. There I saw a large solid golden emblem of Lady Liberty (Statue of Liberty) lying deep within the waters of the sea.
Suddenly I heard the sound of many voices shouting out to me, “What is it?, what is it?”, to which I replied, “It’s Lady Liberty, it’s Lady Liberty! She now lays beneath waters of the sea”!
The dream ended.
As I have prayed over this poignant dream, I believe and submit that we are about see the Hand of God move in an unprecedented way over the nation of France.
I would ask that you stand with me in this hour to intercede for the nation of France and the nation of America and the connection that these two nations may have.
The second part of the dream and its interpretation has not yet been made fully clear to me. However in the dream I felt a strong spiritual and natural connection between the nation of France and the nation of America.
I believe that the alliance between these two nations will be tested and tried in the days ahead.
I saw a great and simultaneous shift that is coming quickly and swiftly to both of these nations, the Spirit of God is highlighting to me the “Liberty and Freedom,” that both these nations stand for.
Furthermore, I got a deep sense while praying over this dream today, that what we are seeing taking place over the nation of America in these days and the weeks and months ahead we will also see taking place over the nation of France. For I see that these two nations are strongly connected to one another in the spirit realm.
God is moving suddenly, quickly and strategically.
I prophesy: There is a great and swift change taking place over these two nations in this very hour.
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
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