The Governing Angel and the Erie Canal Encounter

I saw a vision of an angel standing by the Erie Canal. He was dressed as the Loch Master, who raised and lowered the gates of the canal. He had his hand on the long lever waiting to pull it back to raise the gate. From watching him, I knew that he was waiting for the water levels on both sides to be equal before he opened the gate. After they were equal, he opened the gate. I then could see the waters of the canal flowing freely, and there was now a greater ease in navigation in the region.

When the angel was satisfied that the waters were flowing to his satisfaction, I saw him turn. Then I noticed another lever by the same angel that I had not seen before. He looked at me and then winked. Then he pulled that new lever, and I saw molten lava come pouring through into the freshly flowing water, and it ignited everything into fire. The whole region was now on fire from the lava flow.


We are in a New Season of prophetic release into those regions that have been seeking to prepare themselves for habitation. The Father has signaled the angelic helpers who have been watching the maturity levels rising among those believers who have been made ready.

When the people continue to rise into new levels of understanding and productivity, then the angel will pull the lever that will release the greater fires of His desire, which will then bring purification, and transformation to the entire cities and regions.

When the maturity level equals the standard of the measure that the Lord has intended for us to all reach, then the angel will pull and release the greater fiery flow, so that their spiritual authority could be established, and begin to function within that region for a full transformation.

The latter shall be greater than the former:

The Lord also said, that the first pull of the lever was also a prophetic type of the original Charles Finney revival that came in the 1800's to this region. The second pull of the other lever, was a prophetic type of this current move of God that will transform this entire region again, but this time it will be by fire.

Zechariah 13:9

- Susan O'Marra


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