Vision of a Nuclear Bomb
I had hardly slept all Saturday night into Sunday morning. I was only able to close my eyes at 5:00 a.m. and was up and about 6:26 a.m.. During this brief sleep, I was taken to a land flowing with seems to be liquid acid mixed with colours as of rusted oil and water mixed together. I recognised the land, as a land as the aftermath of a nuclear weapon. The air seemed polluted as the land, and as I was walking it’s length and breadth observing what I was seeing, I heard the Word of the LORD saying to me : “There is a release of a NUCLEAR BOMB in the atmosphere, but this will only affect the EMOTIONS OF MEN.” I knew the LORD was talking about satan infesting the land with ‘OFFENCES.’ Many will be HURT and grow BITTER, all these will be to TARGET OUR EMOTIONS – for the Love of many will wax cold….. These are seasons of offences… let us be watchful thereunto with prayers! ~ by Mark Cyril