How to Change the World? ~ Love and Prophecy!

Do you feel stuck?
Does it seem like you’ve “seen it all,” but want more?
Maybe you feel like you’ve messed up so badly that you could never do anything again.
Well, I’ve got good news for you.  No matter where you are, the LORD wants to use you.  Whatever it is, the LORD is greater than your addiction or sin.
So, don’t give up because there’s an anointing coming that’s going to release us into a new season of transformation!
You’ve probably heard me talk a lot about revival.  My part is to help fulfill the prophetic words that a very big revival is coming on Earth … and I share exciting details of this revelation in my Prophetic Forecast, Volume 3.
You may also know that I was part of a move that started around 2001, it was called “prophetic evangelism.”
Prior to that, we hadn’t been using the prophetic gifts for outreach.  Then God began to move on several of us.

I began giving prophetic words out in the marketplace, Starbucks … all over the place.
In this Spirit Connection podcast, my special guest is Stacey Campbell.  She and Patricia King were the ones who first ignited this prophetic evangelism flow in me.
Stacey is a prophet and founder of the Canadian Prophetic Council.  She and her husband Wesley have planted churches, are founders of a mercy organization for at-risk children called “Be a Hero” and they live in Kelowna, B.C., Canada.
Stacey has ministered in over 60 nations, laboring to see revival and social justice transform the world.  She is an amazing woman!
Here’s a sneak peek into our conversation:
  • “I start to prophesy, and my tooth falls out again …  I had that tooth fall out of my mouth three times in one week!”
  • “I am seeing a shift from revival to reformation — transformation.  I am seeing a shift from Sunday morning and megachurch … the shift to Monday–Friday.”
  • “… prophesying to the business, to see massive shifts that prospers everybody, thepower to create wealth will be on the people of God.”
  • “We’re going to see a massive move of anointed people … bringing the Kingdom of God and the beauty of Heaven on Earth … Monday–Friday, in the middle of the marketplace, in the middle of the workplace.”
  • “… God is loosing that prophetic on them and equipping them … to move like an Esther before the King and like a Joseph before a Pharaoh.”
  • “I wish all God’s people were prophets.”
  • “God loves people that we don’t love, and God’s heart is always reaching out to try to bring them to himself.”


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