I want to share a prophetic dream that I had many years ago. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in November 1984 and had a great foundation and teaching right from the beginning of my walk with the Lord. Not long after that I began reading Kenneth Hagin’s books and I was fascinated by the anointing on his life and the supernatural encounters that he had experienced. After I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit my life was not t he same. I had such an insatiable hunger for the things of God. We didn’t have computers at the time so I spent endless hours reading the bible, books, listened to teaching on cassettes and watched videos from anointed ministers. I became familiar with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and I knew that I had a prophetic gift. I studied everything that I could about the gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:4 -11 and learned how to cultivate those gifts. I kept a journal and I now find it to be such a blessing to be able to re-evaluate t...