Eagle AWIS 2020

I want to share a prophetic dream that I had many years ago. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in November 1984 and had a great foundation and teaching right from the beginning of my walk with the Lord. Not long after that I began reading Kenneth Hagin’s books and I was fascinated by the anointing on his life and the supernatural encounters that he had experienced. After I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit my life was not the same. I had such an insatiable hunger for the things of God. We didn’t have computers at the time so I spent endless hours reading the bible, books, listened to teaching on cassettes and watched videos from anointed ministers.
I became familiar with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and I knew that I had a prophetic gift. I studied everything that I could about the gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:4 -11 and learned how to cultivate those gifts. I kept a journal and I now find it to be such a blessing to be able to re-evaluate those dreams and visions that the Lord showed me throughout the years. This afternoon I was reading a prophetic dream that I had back in the early 1990’s during a conference that I was attending at my church Faith Fellowship Ministries World Outreach Center.

In this dream I saw people as far as the eye could see of every race, ethnicity, and denomination behind bars. I was on the outside walking by shouting repeatedly “I’m free, I’m free, I’m free”. Each time I said “I’m free” the people began cheering me on shouting “Yay” and encouraging me to persevere. I wanted to rescue and release them so that they would also be set free. When I woke up I sensed the presence of God in such a tangible way.

The night after I had this dream Charles Neiman was speaking at the conference. His message was titled “Run to win”. He spoke about Saul who became the great apostle Paul. Before Saul’s conversion he was a murderer and anti-Christ until Jesus visited him on the road to Damascus. He changed his name and his life was transformed. He then had a ministry of salvation, deliverance and even raising the dead. He brought many into the kingdom of God. Paul ran the race and continue to endure through so much adversity. (Hebrews12:1-2). His life was threatened repeatedly but he would never deny Jesus.

At the end of his message Charles asked everyone to stand up. There were a few prophetic words and the anointing was intense. He then told everyone to repeat after him: "Run to Win", "Run to Win", "Run to Win". Then he said to repeat “I’m free, I’m free”, “I’m free”, The Holy Spirit confirmed to me that He has set me free to release others from their enslavement. To release others who are imprisoned with burdens, yokes and fears. Those who are fearful, or in addictions of any kind. It’s amazing how the Lord could show us something so simple, yet so profound. I am looking back at this many years later thinking about how the Lord is using me in writing prophetically to set so many people free from everything that is holding them captive.

The Holy Spirit wants to speak to each one of you in a personal way. He wants to use you to deliver others from the very thing that He's delivered you from. He wants you to learn how to recognize His voice among other voices and tune in like a fine laser. He wants to speak to you in dreams, visions and divine encounters. If you simply connect to Him you will recognize His plans and direction for your life. He is calling you to "Run to Win" and not become weary in well doing but to endure the purpose and the plans that He has for your life.

Hebrews 12: 1-2
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the [a]author and [b]finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 


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