Tares of the foolish and Wheat of the Wise

Published on May 25, 2013

As with any prophetic word, dream or vision I urge you to seek the counsel of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ and I refer you to I John 4:1 to try every Spirit to see if it is of God because of the many false prophets that have gone out into the world please note i do not claim to be a prophet only a child of the Most High Almighty God and a Bride of Christ I pray that this prophetic word bless you. Tares of the foolish and Wheat of the Wise:

My dear ones I say this with great sadness the weeding out process have begun. The tares are being sifted out of the wheat many among the circles you now have are falling away. I am searching the hearts and exposing all things in you for purification before I remove you. The foolish virgins are now becoming evident, to the wise virgins. My truth expose the lies of the evil one, when it confront the lies the disobedient servants they flee. The righteous stands bold as a lion the wicked flee when no man pursue. My true servants are filled with my spirit. They have faith in me and they do not doubt. They sit among the wheat for a season but my truth is a light that shines upon them it exposes the darkness. 

Those seeking my face they come into the full knowledge of the truth or they scatter only to fall back into the darkness,that they stand in only to go into a deeper darkness. The strength of the tares was to feed off of the food of the wheat to try and choke the wheat like a weed, but now the tares are being choked the trap that was set up for the wheat has back fired on they themselves. Now separation shall take place it is becoming evident who the tares are among the wheat. I shall separate the wheat from the tares. 

The angels shall gather the tares for the fire to be burned. The wheat will be bundled in the barn in safety. He that has an ear let him hear what the spirit is saying in the churches. Hearts have been searched and lives have been changed. I search the reins and the hearts, I know who are mine and I know who are not mine. I expose darkness. Those who love the darkness flees they run from the light. They scramble to find more darkness so they can be hidden with their deeds, so they will not repent. They love lies so this shall be their judgment, more darkness comes with unquenchable fire. My beloved remove yourself from their abuse. They are in my hands now ! I the Lord God Almighty see all things nothing is hidden to me all things lay bare to me, all iniquity and sin I see I see below and above the earth in the seen realm and the unseen realm. no thought is hidden through me all that ever was or ever shall be it exist through me.

 Through this my wife is purified and being perfected none shall keep her from rising. This was all in my plan. The foolish waste their oil with foolish man made reasoning and debate they are unprepared they procrastinate and fuss, down to the last second with no oil. Then it is too late there is no place in me found for them and up to this point I do not and will not know them neither will they come to know me. The separation has begun the mother of the foolish virgins and tares is Hagar and legalism and bondage, they are born after the flesh and the things of this world.. Their home is this world. Esau is their father they shall go no further. The mother of the wise virgins and wheat is Sarah and grace and liberty they are born of the spirit and of the things not of this world they are apart of a heavenly kingdom that is their home. Their forefather is Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is a kinship not through the physical Jerusalem but they are heirs of the spiritual Jerusalem . The physical circumcision is not required for their entrance. They are circumcised of the spirit, God's chosen people are not of the physical circumcision they are of the spiritual circumcision of the heart not of law through Jesus Christ, The Lion of Judah is their king he rules their hearts, minds, souls, and spirit. He is the Great I AM


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