The Lord is not slack concerning his promise

On 9/05/2013 morning as i was praying I had a vision. In that vision, I saw myself on top of a roof, as I was looking inside the room through a glass, I saw a hand writing on the wall, I was trying to read the message very fast because I realize, this vision is a short one, but I was not able, I check the last word of the message, I saw a bible verse something like 2 Peter 39. So I decided to read the message from the beginning, it was difficult for me to read, I saw these words as I was trying to read: Sober, Tribe, Tongues something like that. As I was looking at the verse again, these messages drop in my heart. “People don’t understand, they don’t believe when I said I Am coming, people are not taking these end times messages seriously” then I felt in my heart, The Lord is not happy and He is sad.

After that I saw 2 local gospel artists in my country. A  Man and Woman, I come not identify them.  The vision ended.

As I was praying about the vision, I heard “pray for understanding”. This is the scripture that I saw in the vision.

The Lord is not slow in keeping his word, as he seems to some, but he is waiting in mercy for you, not desiring the destruction of any, but that all may be turned from their evil ways.  2 Peter 3:9 Basic English Translation (BBE)

Whenever you tell people to repent, they always tell you they have already repented, but repentance is everyday affair, because, we take decisions, good or bad every day; we change our mind every day good or bad, why can’t we examine our life and repent every day? Check if the decisions we took is in the will of God because anything that we do which not in the will of God is an abomination to the Lord. 1 Samuel 15:22-23.  Repentance is changing of action or mind, turn from your away, turn from your sin, turn from the flesh, to get the flesh to die, to say is not long about me O Lord, is about serving You Lord, no longer is about my will but is about Thou Will, is not about what I want to do this moment, is about the Will of Jesus Christ.
  God wants us to be Holy as the scripture  say “without Holiness none will see the Lord” This is serious, it’s a requirement we must fulfill before we can see the Father. The only things that can save the church today is (repentance, righteous and holiness). As I’m writing this note something is going through my heart, i cannot explain it, I believe is the Heart of Jesus speaking, is like, is bleeding.  
2 Corinthians 7:10 - For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

This is the time, they church must to well, and love. This is the time people must see the love of the Father in the church. This is the time we must run to the lost and bring them into house of the Lord , they are waiting for us and the Messiah is coming the time is hand.

I found this nice commentary in Life Application Study Bible. 2 Peter 3:9

God my seemed slow to these believers as they faced persecution every day and longed to be delivered. But God is not slow; He is not on our timetable (Psalm 90:4) Jesus is waiting so that more sinners will repent and turn to Him. We must not sit and wait for Christ to return, but we should realize that time is short and we have important work to do. Be ready to meet Christ anytime, even today; yet plan your course of service as though He many not return for many years.  Amen

Please let’s pray for Nigeria, on 21/04/13 as I was praying in the morning, I saw in the vision, a lot animals working on the street as I was looking at the animals, I realize that, they were not animals but people that are protesting, many of them holding the flag of Nigeria, suddenly I saw a man in the sky stretch out His Hand towards the people and He said “earth quake 6.2”


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