Word from the LORD: Eternal Joy
* Scriptures:
Zephaniah 1 (NKJV)
Romans 8 (KJV)
Children of the Most High God - this is your Lord and Savior speaking - Yeshua Ha Mashiach,
My beloveds when you meet with Me in your secret place - it is there that you shall be blessed with the eternal joy that awaits you. With the eternal bliss that is only moments away. You My beloveds shall have a peace now that surpasses all human understanding. Have you not felt My great outpourings, a greater indwelling of the Spirit of God? Have not My anointings touched you? Children I AM pouring more of My Spirit into you now like never before. Receive and be filled. Receive and be transformed.
You My beloveds shall dwell deeper within Me now. I AM before before you, ever near. Can you not feel My closeness beloveds? The Spirit flourishing within?
Children it is time. The unfolding of my wrath quickens, it hurries. Fiery, unstoppable shall it be.
Children, you have waited. My blessings, endless blessings are before you. Your suffering, your sorrow, your toil shall soon be lifted. You shall enter into My rest. You My beloveds shall enter into the Kingdom of God. Children only beauty and glory awaits you. Be comforted by the brilliance of the outpourings for they are glimpses of what is ti come for you, what you shall behold for all eternity.
My Little ones, be not far from Me but ever close as I AM with you. Draw near now, press in. Encounter the greater depths and chambers of the Spirit now. There is still more to be revealed. More I wish to share with you. Come before your King. I beseech you now. Inquire in My tabernacle. Come before Mine altar, My throne.
Children I beseech you. Behold your King in all His glory, His majesty. For I AM King and mighty do I reign. I AM the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the root of David. I AM the everlasting King, Lord God Almighty.
I entreat you to fervently humble yourselves before Me as the King that I AM. The name above all names, the most Glorious One.
You My children shall exalt My name. By you I shall be magnified. Revered. My power and glory made known. I the Lord of Hosts shall be fearsome amongst the nations, to those I call My enemies. Because of the Holy One of Israel they shall tremble. They shall be overcome with terror. Children My wrath comes - an all-consuming fire, a darkest tempest that is unceasing. Children fear not what lies ahead. Be cheerful now. Joyful. Rejoice for your redemption is nigh. It is at hand. It is here.
Worship Me My beloveds, praise Me and I shall rain down My glory. Children, I come for you at an hour you know not. Be patient, ever more vigilant. Expect the unexpected. Hold fast to what you know is true - all that I have revealed unto you. Be pure now - undefiled in the way. I come quickly. Love,
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