Move Deeper into the Spirit Now
Published on Apr 24, 2013 *Transcript: Children of God, servants of the Most High, this is your Lord and Savior speaking, The time has come for you to move deeper into the spirit now. I have new and greater teachings to reveal to you My little ones. Each one of you shall be taught in the ways of the spirit. Higher learning is a must for spiritual progression. Children - feed upon My Word now like never before. Commune with Me in the depths of My heart for I have much to show you in the spirit. There is much for you to receive, much in which I would like to make known. Commune with Me now children. This is a time of greater communion with Me. Your spiritual advancement is at hand. As you stand waiting, settled upon My Ark of safety, I still have much to reveal - secrets and mysteries, the hidden things. Things never known to man, things that lay ahead. Spiritual knowledge and wisdom of great importance. Sacred things. I h...