Final Separation
The Ark is full, it is about to depart.
Children of the Most High, this is your Lord and Savior speaking, Yeshua Ha Mashiach.
Now is a time in which I AM gathering My bride both spiritually and physically into greater unity. Unison is the key word now, the objective. For have I not spoken of the greater separation, the heightened divide between the true and false, the wheat vs. the tares... Children, it is so. More obvious than before. In your lives and throughout the world.
I AM claiming My people, My faithful and true. I AM bringing those who are Mine unto Myself in greater consecration, setting them apart once and for all for this is it. I come to fetch My beloved. I come to catch away My bride that she may escape the darkest hour that befalls upon earth shortly.
Children, the Ark is full now. I know who is coming with Me, I know the numbering of My worthy sheep. I know who they are, where they are now and what must be done so that they are ready. Children, I know the last soul that shall make it through. These words I speak to you are true. For the end is come children, looks may be deceiving but it is here. My plan is perfect, like clock-work all is coming to pass as ordained, all is unfolding according to My appointed time.
Children, sooner than you can imagine the will no longer resemble it's former state. You will witness greater devastation and destruction, calamity and turmoil. Chaos will ensue all over. The world will no longer function as accustomed to. Change is in the winds and not a change that is welcomed, it is for the worse.
My children will be kept safe, protected and provided for until the day, the day of the departure of the bride from the earth. So many have chosen to perish. Too many have fallen away. But mine are with Me, of Me, sealed until the day of redemption.
Children it is time. The remnant shall be gathered now. My people quarantined now, no longer integrated with the rest of the world. Children, understand this reality manifesting now. No longer shall light have fellowship with darkness, the righteous with the lawless. It is finished. Love,
Children of the Most High, this is your Lord and Savior speaking, Yeshua Ha Mashiach.
Now is a time in which I AM gathering My bride both spiritually and physically into greater unity. Unison is the key word now, the objective. For have I not spoken of the greater separation, the heightened divide between the true and false, the wheat vs. the tares... Children, it is so. More obvious than before. In your lives and throughout the world.
I AM claiming My people, My faithful and true. I AM bringing those who are Mine unto Myself in greater consecration, setting them apart once and for all for this is it. I come to fetch My beloved. I come to catch away My bride that she may escape the darkest hour that befalls upon earth shortly.
Children, the Ark is full now. I know who is coming with Me, I know the numbering of My worthy sheep. I know who they are, where they are now and what must be done so that they are ready. Children, I know the last soul that shall make it through. These words I speak to you are true. For the end is come children, looks may be deceiving but it is here. My plan is perfect, like clock-work all is coming to pass as ordained, all is unfolding according to My appointed time.
Children, sooner than you can imagine the will no longer resemble it's former state. You will witness greater devastation and destruction, calamity and turmoil. Chaos will ensue all over. The world will no longer function as accustomed to. Change is in the winds and not a change that is welcomed, it is for the worse.
My children will be kept safe, protected and provided for until the day, the day of the departure of the bride from the earth. So many have chosen to perish. Too many have fallen away. But mine are with Me, of Me, sealed until the day of redemption.
Children it is time. The remnant shall be gathered now. My people quarantined now, no longer integrated with the rest of the world. Children, understand this reality manifesting now. No longer shall light have fellowship with darkness, the righteous with the lawless. It is finished. Love,
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