God of Wonders

Dear children of the Most High, this is your Lord and Savior speaking, Yeshua Ha Mashiach,

I speak to you words of truth now. Believe Me when I tell you nothing shall be as expected. Children, all is unfolding according to My plan, a plan hat not all can conceive nor formulate together. I reveal only to you in pieces, parts slowly uncovering what you know and comprehend not. I reveal at the appointed time, when you are ready.

Children, I reveal not always what you desire to know but what you need to hear. For the way is already made but your steps must be ordered accordingly - one day, one cycle at a time. I bring you further upon the path of the straight and narrow. I guide you down the road less traveled. I have each of you in the palm of My hand. I know your end. What shall become of you. I know what you must face next, what you must overcome and endure. I know the trials to come for it is all ordained by Me.

Children, think not these last days as a series of random, unorchestrated events and happenings. There are no coincidences. All is purposed. All worked out for your good. Your transformation and salvation in Me. You My beloveds must trust and move forward with hope and courage. I have great plans for each of you, plans to use you in the mightiest ways. Brilliant shall the unfolding of your end in this life and new beginning in Me - an end you shall not forget.

Awaken to My glory and power within you. Rise children, rise and shine. Love,



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