Ghana Repent!
A woman from nowhere came to the mediate and made 2 lines statements as she speaks, I saw that the statement was writing on my right ankle. None understand what this woman said and the situation calm down but people still want to hear from the president. The whole things look like some ethnics conflict want to happen. There was a guy standing by me saying, he does not understand why people are protesting but there is no problem in Ghana people are having their daily bread as he was talking I saw a screen appear before me, on that screen the message was saying because of the secrets sin of Ghanaians that is why they are tormented. Inside that crowd some few people are fasting and praying for the nation, they are not confused they are well. I saw myself in another country as I was having this dream.
This is the dream I had, I pray about it, I did not received any inside but I believe the Church and Ghana as whole need to repent from their secrets sin. Maybe 3 days national repentance will be bring the nation back to the ways of the Lord.
Prepare the way of The Lord in our heart the Messiah is coming
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