Luke:21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

Mark:13:29: So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors.

1. On the morning, I heard the LORD’s voice tell me that ANYTHING that does not please him in our lives we must Destroy it, anything that JESUS does not want, anything that wants to come between us and Our relationship with HIM, weather be ungodly clothes, any idol, burn them, the LORD is totally against women who put on ungodly trousers, showing off cleavages etc In Heaven HE told me, tell them that any woman who dresses in a worldly manner will never enter My Kingdom, only the Pure hearted, the obedient and faithful ones will enter, the LORD told me that many Christian women dresses in a immoral way, still many of them thinks they will enter the kingdom of heaven, He said they are going to get the shock of their lives, they served GOD in vain, according to their own ways, when I was taken to hell fire, I saw a part of hell, where there are millions of women, Christian women, pastor’s wives, teenage girls, most of them went because of ungodly dressing, dressing like the world and prostitutes, the LORD told me they dressed in a way that caused men to lust at them, He told me that He warned them while they were still on the earth but they refused to listen to him,(You will read the detailed account in my Book, that will be out soon.)

2. The LORD told me for him to provide for our needs and take care of us; the key is to first seek GOD’s kingdom and his righteousness, only those who do his will shall be blessed by HIM.

3. I saw in the spirit, churches , with many people standing with white envelops, almost everyone in the church, they were told to get this envelops, I was wondering what was happening, the LORD revealed to me that this white envelops are for sowing all kinds of seeds, the LORD made me know this are pastors and churches robbing his people their money and he is totally against them.

4. The LORD told me (in an anger tone),”Any pastor who does not believe in prophecy, visions, tongues, revelations , gifts, baptism of the Holy Spirit, He is a lukewarm pastor, tell him to read his bible”.

5. The LORD told me, I am coming at a time you least expect me to come, tell my people to be always ready and alert, to be awake at all times spiritually. JESUS told me, When I come for my bride, only the Holy ones, the saints will see Me.

6. JESUS told me, Satan has many plans against my church, against many countries, many politicians and highly esteemed people.

7. I saw an upcoming crusade, where we preached on heaven, hell, rapture, many souls came to be saved.

8. The LORD also showed me in that vision, the Founding Bishop David Monnakgosi of Good news ministry in Botswana, the LORD said to me, “There is My son”, He is a true servant of GOD, In a vision I saw how he was humble and He has preached strict holiness in his church and he has not compromised GOD’s holy word.

9. As I was on my bed, all of sudden my spiritual eyes opened, I could see my room, then I felt a strong wind, my spirit lifted off my bed at a great speed, the LORD showed me some visions.

10. I was taken high above the mountains, I saw a brilliant sunrise, with words flying before my eyes, almost transparent words, I was reading, in that vision, the LORD let me know that He still chastises his children when they get away from him. He said “Tell them that JESUS still disciplines His children”, Heb:12:5: And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

11. The LORD told me, that in 2014 it is time to fasten our seat belt for the rapture, He told me we must lift up the banner & standard of holiness in our lives as believers. Any person who does not obey will be left behind.

12. I saw many believers in sudden death, mysteriously, the LORD explained to me that, in 2014 Every believer must live extra carefully, the moment you sin, you open the door for the devil, what satan will do is this, is to get to a believer before he repents, the LORD told me clearly, the devil desire to kill many believers in 2014.

13. In a Vision, Jesus showed me the Popular Singer, Rihanna, her immoral lifestyle, I saw her on clubs, drinking alcohol, her concerts, performances, I saw her photo shooting, half naked photos, immoral pictures, how she is leading many young children away, her bad influence on many teenage girls, who aspire to be like her. JESUS grief’s over her, The LORD told me she is heading to hell fire SOON if she does not repent.

14. The Holy Spirit told me that in 2014 many people will turn away from the faith and he told me it is fulfillment of bible prophecy.

15. In a separate vision, I saw some of the well know pastors, that people love to watch on TV, some from Nigeria, most of them from USA, these have written books, have TV Ministry, mega churches but the LORD showed me they are on their way to hell fire, one of them the LORD told me he is a “false grace teacher”, he does not teach people about living godly & holy lives, the LORD told me, this men are heading to hell fire, I saw this men and women enter into hell fire, the fear and the terror in their souls, their skin changed, looked like pale, color of death, with no blood, I saw them crucified in hell, they hang on wooden crosses, some the demons filled their mouth with stones, the Holy Spirit told me it’s because of preaching heresies, they were tormented by demons.

16. I was lifted off the ground into the skies, I saw white clouds, I looked at the earth from space, I saw judgments of GOD falling on the earth this new year, even in Botswana, I saw death toll rise, the LORD told me if Botswana does not repent, she shall drink of the cup of wrath of the almighty GOD.

17. On another separate vision, as I stood on the earth, I saw a moon appear on the skies, then I saw another moon, there was multiple moons on the sky, there is coming a time where people will see several moons on the sky on day time, this is a prophecy & vision the LORD has shown me many times.

18. Another sign I saw is an eclipse of the sun, people from every nation, tribe, tongue, stood with fear in their hearts, I saw this happening, I saw darkness cover the land, on three separate visions.

19. In 2013,I prophesied an earthquake coming to Indonesia, another earthquake coming to California, unrest & riots in South Africa(Remember I prophesied the death of a great personality in South Africa, early 2013, then specified by name during the mid-year, that GOD said Mandela’s time is up, that prophecy has been fulfilled in 2013, The LORD JESUS shows me all things)

20. We shall see Bible Prophecy as it unfolds this year, Other visions and prophetic words we shall share during the coarse of the year.Hope you noticed that I did not say Jesus is coming in 2014, rather i said WE ARE CLOSER TO THE RAPTURE THAN EVER BEFORE, it is time to prepare in true holiness, Jesus will come any moment we need to be ready at all times, every day, every month, every year.

I am currently working on my complete Book called “REVELATIONS OF HEAVEN AND HELL”, It will be out this year, in the mean time We are distributing My Visit to heaven and hell with Images & Illustrations(12pages), My Summary of Visions(2pages) and my First Ebook on Revelations of Heaven, Jesus ,angels (56pages), We have sent them to thousands of people around the world, you can comment with your email address if you have not seen them yet, I will send you the three documents, You can also freely download my First EBook about Heaven Encounters at end times Prophecy website, spirit lessons website or send Susan Davis an e-mail at or send it to me to request a copy. The complete book will be web published this year.



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