The Purification of the Church
The Purification of the Church
Acts 17:30
In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent The truth is the church as it is today, is not reflecting an image of what an end time Church should have. It is well said in the scripture that in the latter days, the LORD GOD will pour his spirit unto all men, so that the old men dream dreams and the young men see visions, and the spirit was to be poured unto all servants; men and women alike( Joel 2:28-29). It is also written that in the last days, the mountain of the LORD's temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.( Isaiah 2:2). So if the end time revival is so highly esteemed in the prophecies from the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY himself, why then are we seeing a church that is not reflecting that mighty glory spoken off in the bible. It just then implies that the church has accumulated so much modernism, that she essentially forgot her own boss, she begun trading with the world. That is where essentially, she become world like, and lost her glory, the glory that comes from the LORD GOD JEHOVAH, a mighty glory indeed.
I know that may be a reader of this note might not be on one page with me, thinking that what you see in the current church is already revival, but I pray that even as you read more down the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY may reveal to you HIS MIND towards the church today, and the filthiness in the church so that we may purify ourselves for the coming of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Just to mention a few ways in which the church today has forgotten her mission in the world and ended up copying the format of the world, thereby failing to meet the standards of GOD ALMIGHTY in Heaven.
1. If you look at the church dressing today, you will see a complete copy paste from the world into the church, sisters coming to worship the LORD in miniskirts, tight trousers and other clothes exposing there nudeness, thereby arousing sexual sin in the church of the LORD, how then can the church deliver the world from the sexual sin if herself she is in it.
2. The kind of songs that we sing in the church today, if you scrutinize them deeply, with the love of the LORD in your heart, you will discover most of them are just a way of attracting people to come and also have a dance in the House of the LORD. This is contrary to the will of the LORD at this hour; he says let your joy be turned to mourning, because we have lost the glory we essentially were supposed to carry.
3. The gospel of prosperity- I am sorry to say that more than 75% of the current Christian population love this gospel so much that, they no longer want to give an ear to the rebuke of the LORD, however this is not the purpose why the bible was written, 2 Timothy 3:16-All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. The gospel of prosperity is a gospel that just recently got accepted in the church, due to the love of money more than the love of GOD that entered the priesthood first then to the flock. I remember the way the LORD JESUS put it he said in Mathew 10:8 (Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, [a]drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.)
Today we are seeing a new thing all together, the priesthood asks for sowing of seed first before healing can take place, before they can lay hands on you, in other words the church right now can be compared to the foolish virgins who left the rooms where they were to prepare for the coming of the LORD JESUS, and went to the shops to buy and sell (Mathew 25:1-13). This is a terrible gospel and is one of the areas the church needs to get purified so that they may teach the HOLY GOSPEL of the LORD.
4) The fear to rebuke sin- unfortunately the church today has accepted to live with in the territories and definition of sin, they cannot rebuke sin anymore, missing church today seems to be the only thing the pastor can summon you for, however there is so much sexual sin even among the pastors, the worship team the youth, the other groups in the church that goes unmentioned. All scripture as we saw above has an element of correction and rebuke, as it teaches and trains in righteousness. Until the church today awakens and rebukes sin and separates herself from sin then all we are doing today am sorry to say is null and void.
5) The treasure- The LORD JESUS spoke clearly and told the church to lay its treasures in heaven (Mathew 6:20 but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.) It is saddening to notice today that the church has opted to lay its treasures here on earth, no wonder they teach about big cars, big homes, big bank accounts and the most saddening of it all is that the scripture above is being used to lure people into giving more and more, the true meaning of storing ones treasure in heaven is seeking the Kingdom of God first and its righteousness, then all the other things shall be added unto us.
6) Misuse of the gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT- Brethren it is very shocking to see that today the gifts of the LORD can finally be traded by money, we have people paying money to be taught how to manifest speaking in tongues, how to prophecy. Now books have been written and they are being sold, these books replace the bible, and they blaspheme the name of the LORD unknowingly, by teaching lies, about how to receive the HOLY SPIRIT. Kindly note that, only the LORD JEHOVAH, gives his spirit unto the Christians as he finds us ready and worthy of the gifts. We have a variety of gifts and not one. So let us stop focussing on one, and allow the LORD to fill us as he finds us worthy.( The term worthy here does not mean that you become any super important, the LORD loves humbleness) This is just a very small portion, I believe that any person filled with the spirit of GOD ALMIGHTY, can now see that there is a great need for the church to purify herself ahead of the so mightily awaited wedding. If she must partake on that precious wedding. That is the reason you have gotten a chance to read this note, so that you and I may purify ourselves so that we may enter into the rapture of the church. So it is time we begin by a repentance that pleases God, so that we can now get the new anointing and move around with it preparing the church in the four corners of the world so that we may accomplish the mission of the LORD on planet earth. Zechariah 13:8-9 In the whole land," declares the LORD, "two-thirds will be struck down and perish; yet one-third will be left in it.
This third I will bring into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, 'They are my people, 'and they will say, 'The LORD is our God.'
The message here, in fact in the whole chapter of this book, Zechariah 13 talks about the purification that the church needs to go through, so that she can fear the LORD, and honour Him, and keep her vows unto the LORD. But these two verses present a very deep message to the Church of CHRIST JESUS, this Church that he says, he shall preserve them, the one-third, in other words the remnant Church. This is a mighty message to this Church. The message is that, this remnant church will be passed into the fire, refined like silver and test them like gold. This is the process that every Christian who wants to enter heaven must go through, and that is purification. Only then can the Church call on him and he will proudly answer them and say 'They are my people, 'and they will say, 'The LORD is our God.'
Essentially this purification is very critical at these midnight hour, and it is only the Holy Spirit (Oil) as it is in Mathew 25 who can help us to go through this process completely that the church may be radiant and glorious unto the glory of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.
The Church of Christ must realize that the process of purification is not as easy as it may have seemed to so many of us, it is not all about a repentance prayer, it is not about a one night fast and cry before GOD, it is about a process which is continuous, and the Church must be ready to embrace this. It is comparable to the refining of silver, testing of gold but after having passed through fire. The Church must now realize that she needs to walk in purity, but only after purifying herself whenever she discovers something is not right between her and God. This calls for a continuous repentance that touches GOD ALMIGHTY to release his HOLY SPIRIT unto all men. The times of ignorance have long gone, now it is time that all men everywhere repent.
Mureithi Dennis.
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