
My children, I will accomplish My will on earth as it is in Heaven. I am able and in full control. I know the end from the beginning. I am Omnipotent and I Reign by My great Power and Glory. I am the King of Glory, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, the One who is who was and who is to come the Almighty, the Prince of Peace and the Light of the world. Without Me there will be no true peace in the world but turmoil. Only My children will be in My true peace which surpasses all human understanding when I accomplish My will. I am for them and not against them.

I am no man that I will lie. I will accomplish all that I promise. I am faithful and trustworthy. My ways are not your ways, My thoughts are not your thoughts but I will accomplish My plan and purpose at My appointed time. My will, will be done.

I want each and every one to accomplish My will, My plan and purpose in My everlasting Kingdom, the only Kingdom that will last forever. Work while you have the time and opportunity to accomplish My will. Sow good seed, to have a bountiful harvest in due time, because what you sow you will also reap. I will reward each one for their deeds. Accomplish My will, My plan and purpose, then it will not be in vain.

 January 03, 2015


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