Sequence of Events

The moment you die in the baptism with Christ, is the moment you begin your judgment. For it is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment.

We first enter a covenant with God, escaping Egypt the moment we are baptized. So begins our ‘trial’ in the desert in the courtroom of the great Judge. Here we undergo a long period of battles against the enemy, temptations, and trials.

Yes, judgment day is the beginning of our journey, not the end. The end is eternal life.

At the end of the race, after the fiery trials in the desert wilderness, is the prize of eternal life in the Promised Land.

Until you can say you have found the Promised Land, you are still in judgment in the desert. Judgment day is not something yet to come.

Part of the promise of Jesus was that we would actually undergo our judgment before the throne of God while still alive in the flesh, so that we could then also attain eternal life while still alive in the flesh. Those of us who are alive and remain shall be caught up…

Until we correct the sequence of events in scripture, we will never…

Come up out of the grave!

*Though I can not possibly describe all the truths and mistruths of religious doctrine here in one sitting, I am going to try to shatter the myths as we go. In the meantime, please see my book: Resurrection Now! Shattering Religious Doctrine to Find the Key to Unlock the Next Age*

Posted by 777aej 


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