We are living in a time in history when everything that can be shaken is being shaken. When Jesus died on the cross, the earth shook violently as the veil of the Holy of Holies was torn in two from top to bottom, rocks were split apart, and graves were opened. Many of the holy ones who had died were brought back to life. The book of Matthew says that they came out of their graves and were walking around in Jerusalem after Jesus resurrection. The Roman military officer and his soldiers were extremely terrified as they witnessed what was happening and felt the powerful earthquake. They said, “There is no doubt, this man was the Son of God!”

After Jesus resurrection He appeared to many people over a period of forty days. Some of them were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Jesus’ mother Mary, James, Peter, Jacob and the apostles. One time He appeared to 500 people. Another time after His resurrection His eleven remaining apostles were gathered together discussing His appearance to them on the road to Emmaus. During these encounters, Jesus taught them the truths of God’s kingdom realm and shared meals with them. Two men told the others about one incident where they were having communion with Him when suddenly He disappeared (Luke 24:30-31)

As they were discussing this, Jesus suddenly appeared in the room. They were frightened and thought He was a ghost. He told them several things and then said: “Behold I send the promise of My Father upon you, but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.” He was referring to the Upper Room when the Holy Spirit would fall upon them. What was prophesied in the Upper Room is available to us today. In these last days the Holy Spirit is being poured out once again.

In the book of Acts chapter two, on the day of Pentecost the disciples were in the Upper Room in one accord, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance. They were so intoxicated with the glory of God that some of the onlookers thought that they were literally drunk with wine. Peter went on to say, these men are not drunk as you suppose, and he quoted the prophecy from the book of Joel 2:28 -32. The book of Acts 2: 41-43 says those who received the word were baptized, 3,000 were added to them and fear came over them as many signs and wonders were performed through the apostles. 

This Sunday, May 31, 2020 is the day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit is about to move once again in a mighty way. He is with us now and lives inside every Holy Spirit filled believer. He is sending the latter day revival that was prophesied in the book of Joel and the book of Acts. He wants to use every one of us to do great exploits and bring the kingdom of God to the earth as it is in heaven.

The Lord says, I am releasing a mighty rushing wind of My glory once again to transform lives “suddenly”. Just as a tectonic shift, under the seas causing earthquakes of great magnitudes, there is a shift happening simultaneously in the heavenlies. I am stirring the atmosphere to bring change to the church as you know it. Angelic activity is being released from the third heaven that no man can stop or reverse. Do not judge things by what you see happening in the natural, but watch what I am about to do. I Am El Shaddai and I am sending a tsunami of My glory over the nations. 

That which I intended for in these last days shall be accomplished. There will be a great acceleration in the lives and hearts of people. I will bring times of refreshing in times of drought. I will bring light to areas where darkness seems to prevail. I am sending the latter and the former rains. Do not become fearful when you see the dark clouds but rejoice. It is the dark clouds that carry the heavy rain. This is where My glory dwells and My Anointing will be released. As I said in My word, the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea; says the Lord.  

Matthew 27:51-53

Acts 2:1-4 (TPT)
On the day Pentecost was being fulfilled, all the disciples were gathered in one place. Suddenly they heard the sound of a violent blast of wind rushing into the house from out of the heavenly realm. The roar of the wind was so overpowering it was all anyone could bear! Then all at once a pillar of fire appeared before their eyes. It separated into tongues of fire that engulfed each one of them. They were all filled and equipped with the Holy Spirit and were inspired to speak in tongues—empowered by the Spirit to speak in languages they had never learned!

Acts 4:29-31 
Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus." And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.

1 Corinthians 15:3-7
Praise The Lord.


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