Since the time the coronavirus pandemic began, people in every
country around the world are required to wear face masks. How could
something so horrendous effect the whole world in just a few weeks? Why
didn’t the prophets know that this was going to happen? There are so
many questions. There were literally hundreds of prophecies spoken and
written saying that we were coming into the greatest move of God in
history but instead our voices are being silenced and our identity is
being hidden.
There are so many voices in the world right now that are vying for
your attention. There are voices in the government, voices in the media,
voices from the devil and the voices of believers. Everyone wants to be
heard. People are in confusion because they don’t know which voices to
believe or submit to. There are soft voices as well as boisterous voices
but Jesus is trying to speak among all the clamor.
Despite all the negativity, the wars and rumors of wars, there is a
move of God on the horizon. There are many ministries who are live
streaming on social media, Multitudes are accepting Jesus Christ as
their Lord and Savior through the internet. His voice is being heard
throughout the land releasing peace, joy and comfort. The presence of
the Holy Spirit is flooding the airwaves and His anointing is evident to
many. The voice of the enemy is trying to bring accusation,
condemnation and judgement.
This pandemic is causing turmoil and
fear in every walk of life. It has interrupted the plan that God had for
our nation and the world, but be not dismayed, every word that the Lord
has spoken through the mouths of the prophets shall be fulfilled. We are about to see healing, deliverance and multitudes swept into the kingdom of God,
Many men and women in the bible went through tremendous warfare and
major catastrophes before they entered into Gods purpose and plan. This
is what we are experiencing now. Everything is being shaken that can be
shaken, but soon we are going to see every prophetic word come to pass.
As it says in the book of Isaiah:
Isaiah 55:10-11 (TPT)
“As the snow and rain that fall
from heaven do not return until they have accomplished their purpose,
soaking the earth and causing it to sprout with new life, providing seed
to sow and bread to eat. So
also will be the word that I speak; it does not return to me
unfulfilled, My word performs my purpose and fulfills the mission I sent
it out to accomplish.”
The enemy has unleashed a spirit of panic upon the nations but no
matter what it looks like in the natural, Jesus will have His way on
this earth in the coming days. The voice of God will not be silenced for
Isaiah:12-13 (TPT) goes on to say:
For you will leave your exile
with joy and be led home wrapped in peace. The mountains and hills in
front of you will burst into singing and the trees of the field will
applaud! Cypress trees will flourish where there were only thorns and
myrtle trees instead of nettles. These will stand as a testimony to
Yahweh’s renown, everlasting signs that will not be cut off.
The Lord says; My people will not be silenced from prophesying and
speaking My word to the nations. I am raising up many to be My voice in
this season. Every generation of believers will come together and raise
their voices in one accord. True believers will speak My word
courageously. I am calling those in the marketplace to be My messengers
without wavering in faith. I am calling those of you in the five fold
ministry to speak forth My word with boldness and without compromise. As
you deliver My word, it will bring transformation to those who hear it.
As you release the words that I give you to speak, they will become
rhema (revelation) and release life to others. There will be a clear
distinction between the sheep and the goats. As you speak My word,
demonstration will follow with miracles, signs and wonders. I am calling
every believer to share the good news that I have in this season. I
will use your voice to change atmospheres and transform lives. My words
will bring edification, exaltation and encouragement when spoken through
you. Never retreat when confronting the voices of darkness, because
they cannot overtake the light that is on the inside of you.
My words in your mouth will bring conviction as well as
deliverance. Don't allow those with religious doctrines to intimidate
you, but speak the truth in love. Release My words of justice to an
unjust world. Release words of righteousness to an unrighteous world.
Release words of comfort and tell them that there is a comforter called
The Holy Spirit and He is willing to set them free. Release My prophetic
words into the churches and release the voice of truth to the
unbelievers. You will no longer be silenced from speaking My voice says the Lord.
Matthew 10:16
"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves."
Praise The Lord
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