Dreams and Visions

  The Van Rooyen Family

Below are some visions that the Lord has given to Brother Glenn's family - Last updated on September 20, 2013:

Please allow me to add a little background information. The Lord Jesus Christ has been appearing to my daughter, Charis, since January 26, 2010. At first, He appeared once every second week, but since 2011 He has been coming every night.
Vision About Armageddon

Given to Charis on September 20, 2013

On the 20 of September 2013, the Lord appeared to me and escorted me into a blue and white room. When I got into the room, I fell into a trance and a tornado-shaped cloud moved back and forth, and I heard an Angel of the Lord speaking and say in a loud voice 5 times, “ARMAGEDDON IS COMING!” The voice started echoing 3 more times gently, “Armageddon is coming”. After this I got up to my senses and the vision disappeared”.

This is a short warning; the Lord is surely coming very soon! Please be prepared!!!

Vision of Bishop TD Jakes and Pastor Freddy Edwards

 Vision Given to Charis on August 25, 2013

“I had a vision this morning (August 25, 2013) after our 06:30 prayers. I was transported in the spirit to America again and I saw Bishop T.D Jakes standing by the pulpit with his arms open as he declared, “Isn’t this a wonderful big church”? And I heard everybody replying saying ‘Yes!’ I then saw the ceiling opening in a square and we heard the Lord’s voice from Heaven saying: “This man is WORLDLY and he is going to HELL; he will get stones in his mouth and he will be hanged up in HELL”. We then asked the Lord why, he is pastor and the Lord said: “Pastors don’t actually go to Heaven they are go to HELL, because they sometimes lead people wrong and they also leading people to ME. But they themselves think they are perfect.”

Suddenly the vision changed and I saw in a television screen a picture of Pastor Freddy Edwards (South African Bishop) and I heard the Lord say, “I don’t really speak to Pastor Freddy Edwards; it is the devil that tells him about those millions of Rands. I don’t care about those millions, I only care about My WORD.” I said ‘Thank you Lord for the teaching” and the Lord said, “Continue to pray for all pastors.” End of Vision!
Vision of Carlton Pearson and Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio)
 Vision Given to Charis on August 22, 2013
“I had a vision this morning (August 22, 2013) that I was transported in the spirit to America. I saw myself standing in front of the statue of liberty. There were people standing there staring at this image. I then saw a pastor going inside the statue of liberty. The vision changed and I saw this pastor (Carlton Pearson) at home. I saw how he was swearing and beating his wife and children. He said his children must read comic books (I saw some comic books such as “Mysterious” and “Batman”). His children wanted to read the Bible and he grabbed the Bible out of their hands, swearing at the Bible saying the Bible is not for children but for adults only.
The vision changed and I saw the pastor in a church, I saw the people praying, and while they were praying the pastor became drowsy and fell vomiting black stuff. After that he spoke and said: “It is not wrong to read comic books and people must write down their bad thoughts in a diary”. After this, I entered the statue of liberty and there was a microphone and I addressed the people standing there and said: “People (waving my Bible) this Word is for children, adults and older people. Don’t think everything pastors do and say is right; some pastors are very wicked”. After I said that, the people were laughing at me screaming, “Pastor holy, Pastor holy”. I then concluded and said, “People, this is a teaching from the Lord but you don’t seem to care!”
Soon after this, I found myself in another location. I saw countless people standing in the shape of a doughnut. I saw Pope Francis standing in the middle, closing his mouth with his left hand, laughing at them. These people were worshipping and whatever the pope said they did. He told them to worship him naked, and I saw them all naked worshipping.  
The Interpretation of the Vision as Provided by The Lord
“During our praise and worship session this past Saturday (August 24, 2013), I, Charis, was urged by the Holy Spirit to pray and ask the Lord to give the meaning of this vision. The Lord appeared to me again after our morning prayers on Sunday morning (August 25, 2013). He again showed me the above vision. I entered a white room and as the vision was showing, the Lord had it paused as He explained the meaning to me.
The part where the pastor (Carlton Pearson) was vomiting black stuff, I saw about 13 creatures in the shape of a heart with long thin legs and arms dancing around him and these things seem to be hypnotising him to become drowsy and vomit and he would fall to the floor and vomit. I saw that there was a very fat bear inside of him. This bear is in the shape of his body. I understood in the vision that this bear was being fed these wrong teachings, and when the pastor vomits, he is taking out the old wrong teaching and must make way for new wrong teachings.
The part in the vision, where he is beating his wife and children, the Lord says that he was beating their faith and strength in the Lord and discouraging them. They no longer care about the Lord and read their Bibles, but they follow him in his wrongs. As for the part where he is entering the statue of liberty, he is idolizing it and worships it at night when he prays.
That part where the people are worshipping before the Pope, the Lord says the Pope is making a fool of the people and the nakedness is that some of them don’t know they are spiritually naked while the others are ashamed of their Catholic teachings but they afraid of being ostracised by the others”. End of vision!
Vision of the Rapture and People Going to HELL
Vision given to Dwight on August 18, 2013 “I was shown a vision by the Lord this morning after prayer; I saw myself, my father (that is Glenn) and all our ministry people standing by the Big hole in Kimberley, South Africa. While we were looking down the big hole, we were suddenly lifted up by the Holy Spirit and we went up in the sky.  I then saw us arriving at a BIG, BIG WHITE LIGHT. I only saw the panoramic view and outline of Heaven; the light was too bright for me to see clearly and I heard daddy (Glenn) saying, “Well done guys, we all made it to Heaven!” I heard a gospel song "Well Done" playing. We all looked down from there and I saw how people were falling into the big hole. Many people I know (close relatives, brothers, sisters and many other people) fell into the deep and they screamed for help calling our names.” End of vision!
Let us obey the Lord and seek His deliverance daily.
Vision of the Moon Turning Blood Red
Vision given to Charis on August 14, 2013
“I had a vision this morning about the world getting pitch dark. I saw myself standing at a certain street in our area of residence. Suddenly a small boy age 7 appears and yelled, ‘help me, help me, the world is getting dark’. When he said that, I looked towards the sky and I saw the moon becoming orange and while I was staring I saw it turning BLOOD RED.  There was an immediate darkness everywhere. I could not see where anything was. But the Lord made me look at the reaction of the people. I suddenly saw people from everywhere in the world running wildly screaming, 'help me, help me, the world is getting dark!' As they scream I saw everybody wearing what looked like shorts. Their legs were bitten by some unknown things I could not see.  There was a red rash everywhere on their legs as they ran looking up to the sky. I saw them is reeling in a lot of pain. I was filled with terror myself as I was running, but I was not bitten but I could not see where I was. When I got to my senses I had a lot of fear in my heart and a painful headache. Then the vision ended. I knew within me the Lord was showing me about the great tribulation”

Vision of Demons Influencing Someone to Sin
Vision given to Charis on July 27, 2013
“I had a vision this morning of Sister Rose and Sister Doris (not real names). They were standing and talking and I saw by both their mouths a bubble appeared with “funny talk” written in black. I saw a very black and ugly demon in Sister Doris’ chest looking at Sister Rose. The moment Sister Rose spoke the demon in Sister Doris’ chest popped its big eyes wanting to hear more of the bad stuff coming from Sister Rose and I saw it put what looks like a finger in its mouth. I then saw Sister Doris’ mind opened and I saw a demon sitting in there. It had a tongue like a dog with black stuff on it. This was a very black demon with wide lime coloured eyes. This demon had what looked like a typewriter. It was typing something onto a white page; bad and funny words, certain words were blurred out for me not to read, but the word MAN and a man’s name was written for me to read (Name withheld). I saw the page being pasted with blood onto Sister Doris’ brain. She then used these words and I saw another small black demon with tiny eyes that looks like holes onto Sister Doris’ tongue. It had the size and shape of a pearl. This tiny demon spoke and said, “I like funny talks and I like her to speak like that.” End of vision
Brief Explanation: We are not sharing this to expose our brethren. These are very dear and Christ loving brethren, probably more faithful than many other children of God. I wrote this with their full permission and the Lord’s. The Lord wants the people to know that demons are responsible for causing people to sin, but subtly, we allow them through our disobedience. In this vision three demons are seen corroborating. These sisters were (They repented and heed the Lord’s warning) in the habit of meeting together before our prayer or worship sessions and chat about things like man. The Lord said this was displeasing to Him and once people enter His Presence for prayer or service, respect, RESPECT God. This vision also amplifies the spirit of lustful desire wanting more of the funny talk which ultimately may lead to temptation. We therefore share these weaknesses for your encouragement and vigilance against demonic influences into sin. Remember, the Lord holds us responsible if we accept and obey the voice of the devil. We must choose not to obey. This vision also shows how vulnerable we are, but if we know the word of God and obey the conviction of the Holy Spirit, we will know the truth and it will set us free.
Finally, WE DO NOT DREAM UP THINGS, we share it as the Lord reveals it to us supernaturally. We are careful not to build your or our salvation on lies, but truth and that is what we share with you. The Lord gives Charis a message for the member of our ministry and He shows her in a vision with power the sin being committed.
Blessed grace in watchfulness
Brother Glenn and Charis.

Vision of an Answer to Fasting
Two weeks ago (July 15, 2013), I wrote an article on fasting and I mentioned how the Lord commanded Charis and three (3) other children in her age range to fast for one day. Well, the Lord has partially answered what some of them got for their obedience.
Vision given to Charis on the July 26, 2013
“I had a vision this morning of a woman, whom I know as Celeste (an Angel), who was being sent by the Lord. We were in a white room; she had a white dress on with long natural brown hair. This was the second time the Lord sent her to me. She said, “Hi! Do you remember me”? I said, “Yes I do”. I saw myself and the three other children in this white room and she turned to the one girl to my right and said, “You prayed and did not want to go to a certain school next year. Your request has been granted; that was your blessing.” (We can confirm that her application was unsuccessful and this was against her will.)
She then turned to the other girl and said, “Your blessing is that you act obediently and receive less spanking, you also received a blessing for your birthday.” (This girl was personally blessed by the Lord with money which was used for a party and a gift she needed.)
Thereafter, she turned to the boy and said, “Your blessing has been coming on slowly because you are not working faithfully on your salvation.” The boy insisted she tell him what blessing he got and she said, “You failed the previous quarter, but your blessing was you passed last quarter.”
It was my turn so she said, “Your blessing is still coming and it is going to be a very big blessing.” With that she waved at us greeting us goodbye and the door closed behind her. End of vision!
Vision of a 12 Year Old Girl Being Lost Without Christ 

Given to Jaydeen on Sunday 14 July 2013 

“I had a vision where Charis and I met a 12 year old girl we know.  She spoke to us and said, “I miss something in my heart”.  In the vision, the Lord made us guess her condition.  Someone said she was wicked, another said she does not read the Bible and pray daily.  The Lord told Charis the girl was lost without Him and that is the something she is missing in her heart: the Lord Jesus Christ.  She then smiled and said, “thank you for telling me what I miss in my heart”. 

This might be short, but an unsaved person is missing something in their lives! 

Short Appeal 

The Lord is appealing to children older than 8 to come and serve Him. He showed Charis Heaven is ready to receive us and pure joy is waiting for obedient children.  Some visions which the Lord showed Charis, Jaydeen and Dwight lately were a direct appeal to children and parents to come and walk seriously with the Lord.  In addition, just yesterday the Lord commanded us to discipline one of our children for lying and for wicked behaviour.  We talk to our children about wrong behaviour but repeated offences call for the rod of discipline.  The Lord does not encourage us to use anger when we discipline our children.  He wants us to point to the children’s bad behaviour as an explanation and discipline them accordingly. Children do not feel the effect of words; they feel the pain through the spanking experience. An adult responds to word discipline which is what the Lord gives us at present, although He did warn some of us of severe cases of punishment. 

Another thing I learned from the Lord last week was this. Someone was rebuked by the Lord for a repeated swearing habit and fighting spirit.  The Lord showed Charis in a vision that one of their children will also start swearing and that one of the boys would start fighting with the sisters and one of the little ones will develop a spirit of hatred towards the father.  This clearly shows that some of our children learn bad behaviour from us as parents.  I appeal to you parents: practice and teach good Christian behaviour, decency and manners in front of your children.  Teach them, discipline them, and pray for them to escape HELL and go to Heaven.

Vision of a Playground in Heaven

Given to Charis on Thursday, July 11, 2013

I saw a bed with a floral bedspread in one of our bedrooms, and Jaydeen and I were jumping on the bed. Suddenly the vision scene changed and we were outside in a big yard, while jumping on the bed. I told Jaydeen, “I am not going to use this bed to sleep but to jump.” Then we got off the bed and one of our friends joined us and our clothing changed to dresses in our favourite colours; sky blue, purple and red and wearing ballet-like shoes. We got onto Ponies in similar colours like our dresses. We were riding these Ponies and floating in the air. Then I said to one of our friends, “We must enjoy this day while we can,” and our friend replied and said, “No, this day will never end”. It was then that I realised we were in Heaven playing. End of vision. The Lord gave this Scripture (Zechariah 8:3-5).

Warning: Do Not Use The Lord’s Name in Vain!

Vision given to Charis on July 4, 2013

I was shown a vision this morning about one of our ministries’ members.  The Lord showed me how she used His name in vain saying Jesus!”  I then saw the member of our ministry repenting and saying sorry to the Lord.  The Lord replied and said, “You hurt me and made My heart sore, but I forgave you the moment you used My name in vain.  When she was using the Lord’s name in vain, she was heard by two witnesses I saw in the vision, but they did not rebuke her.  I heard the Lord say, “You must rebuke one another when you see them doing wrong things, because you are saving a person from HELL.”  Soon after the Lord said so, I saw a vision of our entire ministry team including the children, and I heard us all saying in unison to the Lord, “We are Heaven Ready,” and we all then sang a song entitled “Clean Heart.”  End of Vision.

Brethren, do not be afraid to rebuke those close to you whom you know in the Lord.  Also, the Lord rebuked this member saying that she acted like worldly people.  We must fear the Lord and use his name to bless, heal and rebuke the devil.

I bless you all in Jesus name
Brother Glenn.

Severe Punishment Awaits Muslims

Vision given to Charis on June 30, 2013

I had a short vision from the Lord this morning in which the Lord said: “Muslim people like to tell people to obey their teachings and way of life, but when Christians witness to them they refuse to listen.  They despise Me and reject My word.  I am going to punish them very severely.”  I then felt the hatred Muslims have for Christians and the Lord.

Vision of How Young Children are Influenced into Wrong Doing

Vision given to Charis on June 28, 2013

Betty (age 7)

This morning I had a vision and the Lord showed me how young children aged 3, 4, and 7 years are influenced into wrong doing.  In this vision my young sister, Betty (not real name), was judged as imitating the wrong behaviour of a neighbour’s child.  It was also said of her that she had a spirit that causes her to trick or manipulate my mother and father into taking her part when she has done wrong.  Betty is 7 years old.

Brenda (age 3)

About Brenda, aged 3, the Lord told me she learned some of her rude manners and disrespectfulness towards older children from Betty. The Lord also told me that she is starting to get a spirit of anger from her mother.

Bella (age 4)

Bella, aged 4, was judged as having an evil spirit sitting in her eyes that throws water in her eyes to make her cry almost habitually.  She was also told that there was a demon in her throat that makes her scream so much.  I heard her being told that she learns some of her selfishness and greed from the neighbour’s children whom she plays with.

Background to this Vision

This vision is absolutely important in helping us parents to know how to teach our children. This vision is also of benefit to us because we are being taught that if our children play with children whose parents are not bringing them up in the fear of the Lord they will influence our children into wrong doing. Yes, I agree these children do not know what they are doing and God does not hold anything against them. However, the Lord is showing us the root (cause) of wrong behaviour in children.

Furthermore, as with Bella, demons are being identified as causing certain behaviour. From this, the Lord shows us that when a child’s behaviour is consistently spontaneous, then the demons are at work.  This precious girl cries a lot and screams very ugly; she cries a lot because the demons responsible for this cause her to make unreasonable demands and if she is being refused she cries and screams.  This is leading the parent to spoil the child. Do not be tricked into believing that child baptism and baby dedication is an automatic entry into Heaven.  Scripture does not say so, instead it says: “Train a child in the way he should go and when he grows up he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6 NIV).  We have the Word of God as our instruction into right living, so why not use the same word to instruct your underage child into right living?  Consider that the prophet Samuel was still a boy when he was given to God and he grew up in the Scriptures.  I did the same to Charis, Dwight and Jaydeen, and today the Lord honours the work I am doing for Him by speaking to them.

God bless as you share!

I Saw My Father in Hell

Vision given to Dwight on Monday, June 24, 2013

Background: Dwight is my (Glenn’s) nephew. His lived with his father for 3 years without his mother. She only got him when his father died in 2011 December in a tragic car accident, and now we (the Van Rooyens) are taking care of him.

This is a true vision.  Dwight sobbed uncontrollably when he related this vision to me (Glenn).  It broke my heart but the Lord wants us to share it with you.  If you are treating your wife or children like dogs, BEWARE! For you have a JUDGE! 

As you may recall from last week’s testimony I (Glenn) went to my nephew’s funeral, the Lord has shown Dwight he is in hell too.  My nephew died when he was only 31 years old.  He was disrespectful, disobedient and rude towards his mother and elderly people. The Lord told me to share this with you as a warning to many who do not respect and honour their parents. Briefly, when we heard he was sick and very weak, my wife and I decided that I should go and lead him to the Lord before he would die. But he died before I could reach him, and sadly he died without the Lord. He is now in Hell! These warnings are for us to walk fearfully and faithfully before God. 
Dwight’s vision: I was shown a vision of my father this morning.  In the vision, I was allowed to ask my father questions. I asked him, “Daddy, why did you hit my mother on your birthday”? And my father responded by saying, “It was because I was drunk, that is why I fought with your mother.”  Again I asked my father, “Why did you tell me to call my mother vulgar names?” But he did not answer me. I again asked my father “Daddy, why did you abuse and fight with my mother?” And he said, “Because I had hatred in my heart.” I then saw smoke coming out of my father’s mouth.  Suddenly, I also saw how my father was being tormented by many demons. I saw demons taking a very hot stone or coal out of the fire while others opened my father’s mouth and they made him eat it.  I cried asking them to stop, but I could not help my father. He was crying for help while these demons were just laughing. 

I also saw John (not real name – Glenn’s nephew) in Hell. He was screaming and I asked him, “John, why are you here?”  He did not answer, but he was just screaming. I counted about five (5) demons around him poking him with many, many needles. He was lying on his back screaming for help.  After I saw the torment of my father and John, I was shown the lake of fire. No one told me; I just knew it. It was just fire everywhere and I looked, but I was not shown anyone in there.  End of vision.

“SHE IS FREE”: A Vision of a Deceased Woman in Heaven

Vision given to Charis on June 17, 2013

Please read the "Salvation Received on Deathbed" article for the background to this vision.
I had a vision from the Lord this morning.  I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Go outside!"  As I went outside the house, the CLOUD of the Lord appeared in a dazzling white light with the Lord inside the cloud.  I was transported into the cloud and I had a small white umbrella to cover me from the glorious splendor of the Lord.  Immediately thereafter, I found myself in Heaven.  The Lord disappeared and the umbrella was taken from me.  I then saw Aunt Lily in Heaven sitting cross-legged on a wooden chair with glass-like pillars.  Aunt Lily waved to me come over to her and she smiled and said in Afrikaans: "Se jou pa ek se dankie dat hy vir my gebid het en my na die Here toe gely het.  Die Here wou my nie genees het nie, Hy wou my net huis toe [Heaven home] geneem het het soos jou pa gese het. Dit is baie lekker hier in die Hemel.”  I replied and said, “Ek sal so maak en dit is n plesier van my kant af.” Translation: “Go tell your father I say thank you that he prayed for me and led me to the Lord.  The Lord did not want to heal me, but He wanted to bring me home in Heaven as your father said before he prayed for me.  It is very nice up here in Heaven!”  I (Charis) replied and said “I will tell him and it is only a pleasure from my side.”  She then showed me that the burn scars that had been inflicted on her chest by the chemotherapy were gone.

Aunt Lily then got up from the chair and she started to turn around like a little girl rejoicing in a pure white dress with silky white bally-like shoes.  There were pure white lily flowers with her name on the side of the road.  I saw her picking these flowers and blowing them in the air.  She turned around and looked at me smiling, and she jump up with her hands in the air.  As she jumped, she was suspended in the air and I saw a BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN CROWN with the name “LILY” on it as it placed on her head.  I then saw a rainbow-shaped banner appearing on her right side in yellow ink: "SHE IS FREE"!!!!  I told her "Ek moet nou gaan" (“I have to go”).  She looked at me and smiled.  I returned the smile and turned around and the vision was over.

In conclusion: Do not undermine God and what He wants to do for other people.  Go out in obedience and pray for the sick and preach the gospel to populate HEAVEN!  Be blessed in Jesus name as you share this vision and testimony!

Prophetic Vision of a 12-year Old in Hell

Given to Jaydeen on June 4, 2013

This morning I had a vision from the Lord.  In the vision, I saw myself and Charis walking from our grandmother's house.  We saw a few cars and people standing in the street opposite us.  Charis said, “Let us go see what is happening over there.”  Before we got to that house, we saw people carrying a wooden coffin with a picture of Rose [Not real name], a 12-year old girl we know.  I then heard her voice saying, "Help me!  Help me, Charis!”  I heard her voice for the second time saying "Help me!  I’m sorry, Charis, I did not make my life right with the Lord!”  I knew that she was screaming for help from Hell.  As we made our way back home, her mother called us and hugged us and said, “Please pray for Rose.”  But I heard somebody say, "You cannot pray for someone who is already in Hell!”  End.

Brethren, this vision is true and serves as a warning to children aged eight years and above.  As a witnessing ministry, we do not overlook to witness to children on our witnessing campaigns.  Please pray for your own children and witness to them.  Warn them about worldly music and the pursuit of off-show brand name clothes and other material things.  Be warned! (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).

Vision of Christ’s Splendour

Given to Charis on the June 3, 2013

This morning, after our 6:30 a.m. prayers, I fell in a trance and had a vision.  I heard the voice of the Lord say: “Go outside!” In the vision I saw myself going outside our house. I saw a pure white cloud appearing in the sky in an oval shape, and while I was looking, the cloud opened in a long square shape reaching to the sky and suddenly I saw the Lord appearing in the cloud in splendid and eye-blinding brightness. I closed my eyes with my hand but I could not hide from the Lord’s glory. He was shining with a brilliant light coming from Him and He said: “I am going to show you a vision about Rita (not real name) tonight.” I replied saying “OK”, then the Lord disappeared and I saw only His mighty hand in the cloud waving GOOD BYE to me and I waved back. The cloud closed and as soon as the cloud was taken up into Heaven it started raining, so I ran into the house and the vision ended!

Note: This vision about Rita might be of a personal nature and we will only share it with you on the Lord’s command.

Vision of a Man who Despised Warning

Given to Charis on May 24, 2013:

I was shown a vision of one of my father’s deceased friends who died last year (2012) in a tragic car accident. I was shown an incident that actually happened and my father confirmed it. I saw uncle G (My father’s friend) coming into our living room and he and my father exchanged greetings. Uncle G spoke up saying, “I feel that I am going to die and the Lord told me so”. After he said this, I heard my father say, “G, since the Lord told you that you are going to die, I beg you to make your life right with the Lord so that you may go to Heaven when you die. You are a good hearted person and the Lord is going to bless you”. I saw uncle G smiling as he ignored my father’s plea.

Clarification on This Vision

I, Glenn, have known this friend for many years. We shared an apartment for many years. During my worldly ways we drank, smoked and faced similar struggles together. When I gave my heart to the Lord, my friend G did the same not many weeks afterwards. A few months after committing to the Lord, he went back to his old ways. I was shown in a dream that he had started drinking again, so I went to his house to encourage him in the Lord. He showed appreciation for my effort but he said that he needed more time to think. My friend sadly waited too long and he was caught by death’s surprise. I always wanted to know if he had an opportunity to make right with the Lord before he died. His wife is convinced that he might have had an opportunity to make right. I doubted her, while hoping that maybe there was a chance.  However, after this vision, I have abandoned all hope of ever seeing my friend and brother again. Sadly, a month before my friend died he came to me exactly as in the vision. He told me his plans, I repeatedly told him to commit his plans and ways into the hands of the Lord.

I appeal to you the reader: the Lord has purposely given this vision and permitted us to share with you. If you know someone, or you are that someone, who banks on time to make right with God, that time is now (2 Corinthians 6:12). Get out of your backslidden state, stop drinking and pursuing worldly things. This vision might not be as explosive as you would have wanted it, but it’s a WARNING! Don’t ignore the gospel and bank on time you don’t have, God has given you only one day at a time (Matthew 6:34; James 4:13-17).

Vision of HELL and Torments of the Addicted

Given to Jaydeen on April 27, 2013

“On the above date, I heard the Voice of the Lord say into my ears: “You are going to a place that is known to some people and unknown to others”. At once I saw myself and Charis lying on the bed and our spirits left our bodies. We went to a very hot and dark place with screams coming from all around. This was my first experience of Hell. As we entered Hell with an Angel of the Lord accompanying us, we felt extremely hot and we were sweating, I could literally hear how the sweat drops from our faces evaporated, making a frying sound. The clothes in our bodies were on fire but we did not burn; we only felt the intense heat.

I could not see the face of the Angel as he was pointing towards countless number of people in the flames of HELL. Although almost all of the people we saw in the flames are skeletons, some faces were revealed to us. These were the faces of our very close relatives who are still alive today. There were some who were long dead though. I saw how they were being tormented by demons.

These men were consuming much alcohol and they would drink almost every day while on earth. I saw demons throwing beer bottles at them and pouring some liquid substance on their heads. This made them scream loudly and in deep pain. I also saw how burning cigarettes were being pinned into their heads until they were completely burned. They screamed calling our names for help saying: "Glenn, Jaydeen, Charis help me, help me, help me please"! I also saw how a teenager of 17 years was being tormented by a fat bald demon. This young man was naked and this demon was holding a long spear in his hand. The demon wrote on this young man’s back with the spear while he was screaming for help. I saw these words with his own blood as ink: “Superga, showing off name brands”. This young man has an unhealthy addiction to brand name clothes and shoes.  Those chasing after this, BEWARE! After our journey to HELL, words appeared on our chest (mine, Charis’ and the Angel’s) in a white cloud: “A true HELL story”.

Vision of Satan’s Bride

Given to Jaydeen on April 22, 2013

“I was shown in a vision the wedding of a man that I know very well and the Devil. In this vision, a banner appeared with these words: “The wedding of John (not his real name) and the Devil”. I saw John was dressed in a wedding dress with a veil over his head. Although he is a man, he had very high heel shoes on. The Devil was clothed in a black gown and I could only see his bony nose. The Devil had very long finger nails (about 1m in length) and sharp shoes on. I then saw John taking out a ring and putting it into the Devil’s left hand. After their wedding I saw them driving off, with the Devil sitting in the passenger seat”. END!

Observation: The person shown to Jaydeen is known to us and we are familiar with his ways. This brother is a faithful tither, church goer and selective giver. In the vision given to Charis (see Vision of Christian’s back-sliding (Apostasy)) of the black and white figures, the Lord revealed this person as going many places on the black side while indulging in various worldly pleasures. This vision represents the wedding of the disobedient with Satan. If you drink, smoke, hate, are greedy and selfish along with other wicked things, you are Satan’s, so be warned! The Lord revealed to us that in the spiritual realm individuals doing these things are already wedded to and are the bride of the devil, BEWARE! (1 John 3:8).

Vision of Evil Snakes

Given to Charis on April 4, 2013

On the 4th of April, 2013, Charis received a vision from the Lord of four snakes. Kindly note that we asked the Lord for the full meaning of this vision, but He did not answer. We are therefore sharing this vision with you with a limited interpretation. May the reader pray and ask God for wisdom!

“I had a vision on the morning of April 4, 2013, after my six o’clock prayers. I saw myself in a dark room with a Nokia 3310 flip-up phone that was switched on with blowing animations. Suddenly a text message appeared on the phone that read: “Let’s keep it a secret”, I replied and said: “This is a wicked phone and I trashed the phone to the ground, step on it and trodden it to pieces. As I did this, the lights went on and I was with my cousin Jaydeen. I told her, "lets go outside into the field and look at the flowers and plants." As we stepped outside walking, the voice of the Lord said: “Don’t stop walking”. We walked a very long distance and were very tired.  We arrived at a desert and we then saw 4 snakes - very long snakes, each one about two meters (6.5ft) in length. These demonic and different colour snakes were standing in a line and I was allowed to speak to them and I said to:

The rainbow coloured snake: “Come I tell you something, you colourful snake, you think that you are cute with your different colours, inside you are evil and wicked!”

The Python: “You with your grey colour I tell you, you are crooked and full of deceit!”

The Rattle snake: “You rattle snake you are the source of worldly music and deceive the people to sing worldly songs, you are cunning!”

The Cobra snake: This snake had a big diamond on its forehead and I said, “you cobra snake, you lead people into diamond trading, and amassing rubies and every kind of precious stones I read about in the Bible (Ezekiel 28; Genesis 3) and you are the DEVIL!” I summoned Jaydeen to come closer,  I then took her hand and made her slap the cobra snake on its head and the snake moved backwards like Michael Jackson’s dancing step.

I then saw the earth opening its mouth and all four these snakes fell into a big dark hole full of fire. These snakes were burning and I saw how the cobra snake was biting itself and growing longer and longer. The hole was sealed off with desert sand and snow. End.

Vision of Satan and His Influence on People

Given to Charis on April 4, 2013

On the 5th of April, 2013, I had a vision after my morning six o’clock prayers. I once again found myself in a dark room with a man who was dressed in a blue tie, white shirt and a greyish pants. The room was dark but the light was just shining on him. He spoke up and told me: “Do you know how much the Devil really hates you?”  I replied and said, “yes, I know.’ He then said, “but you never experienced it.” He continued and said: “Come, let me show you four (4) things on which the Devil works through people. I am going to show you your family.” He then turned on a flat screen TV.

Note: These were actual experiences and we now know who the source of the disturbances was!

Dwight appeared on the TV screen with my father, I saw the devil standing on Dwight’s right hand side and I heard him whisper into Dwight’s right ear “LIE! Lie! Lie!” and another sound came from Dwight’s left ear “LISTEN, listen, listen!” and immediately Dwight lied to my father.

Next up was Jaydeen: She was being rebuked by my father and the devil was standing next to her and he said in her right ear, “HAVE AN ATTITUDE, BE RUDE AND THINK THAT THESE PEOPLE HATE YOU AND ARE TREATING YOU BAD” and her other ear said, echoing “Listen, listen, listen!” Again, she immediately responded and acted as the Devil influenced her.  I saw how her appearance changed and this was very pleasing to the devil.

Then I saw my mother appearing on the screen. She was about to serve us supper. My mother was standing by the microwave with the devil on her right side saying: “Give Charis little food and a small meat and be angry.” Again the voice whispered “listen, listen, listen!” and my mother did as told by the devil - I got a small meat and when I asked for more my mother became angry.

Then me, Charis: I was in my room and the devil was standing next to me and he told me: “Feel sorry for yourself and have an attitude.”  And I started feeling sorry for myself and I was crying and had an attitude. The man then told me, “I know I said only four (4) things but I want to show you one more thing how the devil influences even young children.” I then saw my six-year old sister Claudia on the screen with the devil to her right.

Claudia was standing in our living room next to a plant in a jar and the devil said: “Be rude and disrespectful to Charis and influence your mother to take your part.” I saw Claudia going around the house and started speaking rudely and disrespectfully to me. I rebuked her and told my mother about her wrongs, but she (Claudia) lied and denied everything and this led my mother to believe what she said and her part was taken.

The man then switched off the TV and said: “Come here!”  I obeyed and stepped forward, he then took me by my top and he threw me around the room as if I was nothing. There was an open Bible in my chest. It was opened in Romans 12 and he tried to take it out, but he couldn’t. The Lord made me feel no pain but as he beat me he said, screamingly: “I hate you and I make images in people’s minds, I hate you and I am the DEVIL!” I said to him: “I rebuke you in the name of JESUS!” and he left his clothes behind as he disappeared in his spiritual body. There was a mirror in that room and I looked at my appearance after the beating and I had a blue eye and blue scars all over my body.  End.

PS: These visions are for your correction, edification and encouragement. Kindly share with others, seek the Lord in your daily life, fear Him and Obey, remember my six year old Claudia’s vision of the Lord saying, “Claudia I am coming very soon… Bye”. BE READY!!

Vision of a Warning Not to Mistreat People That are Not Christians

Given to Charis on March 11, 2013

I had a vision yesterday morning (March 11, 2013) that we must not mistreat other people that are not Christians.

I saw a Muslim girl standing on a street corner with 4 of her friends who were mocking her. These other girls were Christians and they told her ‘you are a Muslim with thick hair ha- ha thick hair’; she replied and said ‘don’t judge me’. Then another Muslim woman with two of her children, a two years old girl and a five month old baby girl, got into a taxi and I also got into the same taxi.  I spoke to her and asked if I may sit with one of her children and she agreed and had the two year old girl sit with me and I heard the thunderous Voice of the Lord saying: “Don’t mistreat people that are not Christians”

Comment: Let us love unconditionally like Christ!

Vision of the Rapture

Given to Glenn on March 10, 2013

On Sunday, March 10, 2013, I received a vision from the Lord about the rapture. I saw myself sitting on a chair speaking to someone when suddenly I saw what looked like a cloud coming from sky breaking up. The cloud landed on me and suddenly I was lifted high up with my hands raised to the air. It was day light and while going up I saw people beneath looking at me and I went up while preaching to those below until I disappeared in the sky. The Lord is coming soon!!!

Writing on the Wall: the Lord is coming

Given to Dwight on March 8, 2013

Dwight is a 10 year old boy and a close relative of my (Glenn) wife. The Lord has instructed me through Charis to teach this boy His word. Last week Friday (March 8, 2013) the Lord showed him a Vision of writing on the wall:

“The Lord is coming very soon

This is the exact wording he saw with the “is” in cursive. The Lord told him to tell me so that I may report it to you.

Vision of a Woman Singer in Hell

Given to Charis on March 5, 2013

I was shown a vision by the Lord Jesus Christ on the 5th of March, 2013 about a woman singer who is in hell. I was taken to Hell as a reporter sitting on a chair in the light and the woman was on the dark side. She was afraid and unwilling to let me interview her. I asked her to lift up her right leg and after she did this, she granted me the opportunity to interview her. I asked her, “why are you in hell?” She answered and said, “I used charms when I was on earth and I sang worldly songs”. I replied saying: “The Lord wanted to use you as a great prophetess.” She retorted, “I know.” Suddenly she could not put down her leg and cried out to me: “Help me, help me, help me Charis!” as she tried reaching for me.  I said, “I can’t help you, Selena!” (Only then did I know it was Selena Perez because I mentioned her name).  She was screaming very ugly while reaching for me and I found myself pushing her into the flames as I cried bitterly. Her hair was very, very, very, very, thick and it looked as hard as wire.  She appeared very old and ugly in her face with burned scars. Her legs and her arms were also very dry and ugly (I can’t put in words the texture of her skin) and her lips were burst and looked like burned meat. End of vision.

Prophetic Vision of a Current Singer Going to Hell

Given to Jaydeen in March 2013

I was recently shown in a vision by the Lord Jesus Christ that a well-known R&B/Pop singer is going to Hell. This person is still alive in the world today. I saw N…. going down to Hell while singing one of her tracts. She could not stop singing; I saw the devil forcing her to sing for him as he was laughing. End of vision

Comment: These visions are a warning to us to shun worldly music altogether. Please share this with children!

Vision of Christians Back-sliding (Apostasy)

For the past two years, and since the Lord has been speaking to Charis, she has been shown the same vision four times a week.  Admittedly, I ignored this important vision until recently when the Lord alerted me about its importance.  This is not just to encourage Christians to witness, but to encourage you to remain faithful to your faith and salvation.

Below is the vision of the huge black and white figures as explained by Charis:

“Every second night, the Lord shows me (without saying anything to me) a huge black figure (I am made aware in the vision that this is the devil) made out of smoke or steam in the shape of a man standing on the other side of a shiny golden street, and a huge White light-emitting figure on the other side of the golden street. These figures have people standing behind them that reflect their colour or texture. In the vision, I see after about every 15 minutes or so three (3) to four (4) people and then one (1) person leaving the White figure (I know this is the Lord), and go to the side of the black figure. The moment they leave the White figure and go to the other side of the street, they become black from their feet up and go stand behind the black figure. This black figure would lift up his head and laugh, and while I am not able to see their faces, I do see the long yellow teeth of this laughing black figure. This is how I know he is laughing.

On the other side, I am able to feel that the White figure is not happy but sad when people leave and cross to the other side. After a long time, I would see just one (1) person leaving the black figure and coming over to the White figure. This causes me to experience and feel the joy and excitement of the White figure. But after a short while following this one person joining the White figure, again 3 to 4 people would leave the White figure and go over to the laughing black figure. Although the Lord is saying nothing, I know in my heart, and in this vision that He is showing me how people are turning away from Him and go back to the world and the devil.”

On November 5, 2012, the Lord added to this vision “The Bullies,” and they are represented by a yellow colour. Two days later (on November 7th), the Lord added “The Humble People,” who are represented by a purple colour.

Meaning of the Vision of Christians Back-sliding (Apostasy):

On the night of November 25, 2012, the Lord Jesus Christ unveiled the meaning of the vision of the black figure, the white figure and the other two new scenes He added.

The White Side (Faithful Witness)

On the above night the Lord showed me again this vision. This time I was allowed to see the face of one person who is part of our ministry team. Their faces are dazzling white and blurry so I could not recognise them. This person was standing there reading his Bible and after reading he closed his Bible and started speaking. I could not hear what he was saying while the Lord looked at Him intently, and I heard the voice of the Lord saying: “Look at My son, he is very obedient. He is reading his Bible faithfully every day, and he is praying faithfully daily, and he is a faithful witness of My Word. I am going to bless him abundantly” (Matthew 25:21; Revelations 3:4-6). The Lord said this is the inheritance of the faithful and obedient. After the Lord showed me the activity on the white side I turned and saw a different kind of people.

The Purple Side (Humble People)

Above this group of people was a board written in pink incursive letters, “The humble people” Like the white, the people on this side are covered in a rich purple colour to disguise their faces. The Lord did however show me a face of a person. This was one of our ministry people. The Lord looked at her and said: “Look at My daughter, she is very humble and she allows nothing to discourage her, I am also going to bless her abundantly” (Matthew 5:5; Revelations 2:25-26).
Thereafter I was shown another group of people.

The Yellow Side (Bullies)

The board above this group reads: “The Bullies” These people were covered in a yellow substance so I was allowed to look at the face of only one person, a well-known woman. Brethren, this is the harlot(Revelations 17:1). This is the unfaithful, lukewarm and disobedient Christian. This Christian prostitutes herself with other religions. They despise the Holy word of God and He pronounced Judgement on them. The Lord showed Charis the activity of this woman. While most of it is symbolic, the point the Lord is making is that this group is completely wicked. They show no regard for God and His Word. These people are anti-Christ in their behaviour and God-haters.

“I saw a certain woman standing next to an old radio. The radio was on high volume. She had a Bible in her right hand. The woman suddenly threw the Bible violently to the floor and started jumping and jumping on it. She then picked up a Mormon bible which was lying on a small table next to her and she started reading from it. After reading the Mormon book, she put it down and picked up a Quran and also started reading it. To my surprise, she took the Bible from the floor not to read, but she started tearing some pages from the Bible and put in her mouth and spit it on the floor. I then saw her holding the Bible with both hands and shaking it violently as if she was in some rage. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying: “Look at her; she is making My Holy Word a doormat. She is despising My Word; and she is reading things that she is not supposed to read. I am going to punish her severely” (Revelation 18). I was made to turn to the black figure and his group of people.

The Black Figure (World of Pleasure)

When I looked at this group of people, I was again allowed to look at the face of one person whom I also know very well. I heard the Lord said: “Look at the other one, he is drinking and smoking, partying and he is all over the place, I am also going to punish him severely” (Revelation 21:8).I saw this man holding a glass of whisky and ice with a long cigar in his mouth. He had blood shot eyes, he was moving around quite freely from place to place on the black side. While the devil was just standing there laughing. After the Lord showed me this vision, He showed me a vision involving a pastor.

In conclusion, I beseech you brethren, remain faithful to the Lord, and persevere in obedience every moment of time. Hold on to your salvation it is worth eternal life. While waiting for the Lord to appear, labour in His harvest field to accumulate Heavenly wealth (Matthew 24:45-47).

Smoking Christians going to Hell

Short Vision of Hell revealed to Charis on Thursday 15 September, 2011

During this vision, she was shown a person very dear and known to us being tormented in the Flames of Hell, while she was also being tormented by demons who forced her to smoke a very long cigarette. "I saw my O (Name withheld) in Hell in the midst of orange flames and being tormented by two big and fat demons, while she was burning in Hell. There were two fat demons with frog-liked feet that were full of green smelly stuff. These demons were laughing as they were holding a long, long cigarette forcing my O to smoke. They made her smoke a very long cigarette, which seemed to be hurting her. My O’s lips were badly bruised and brownish. The cigarette length was about 1 meter or longer. The smoke of the cigarette completely covered her face, while she was screaming her daughter’s name, Joyce, Joyce my child (Not real name) help me, please help me".

I can therefore confirm that earlier this year, the Lord gave Word to Charis to tell this individual to stop smoking. This Word of warning was given to her twice, with the Lord Himself saying. “My daughter M. must listen when I say she must STOP smoking.”

If you are a Christian, who is still smoking secretly, STOP immediately. I (Glenn) smoked for many years, but the Lord delivered me after many consistent and persistent prayers.
You are encouraged to share this warning with others.

Second warning of smokers going to HELL

This is what Charis was shown: “The Lord showed me a white male, uncle ‘R’. He was in a pit in Hell screaming for help. I saw the Lord appearing before uncle ‘R’ (it must be noted, the Lord gave this brother words of instruction through Charis, in fact the very words he is repeating in this vision).  He asked the Lord, “Lord Jesus, why am I in this place, I did read the bible 3 times a day and prayed 3 times a day just as you commanded, Why Lord!”. The Lord replied: “There was one thing you did not do, you never stopped smoking”. With these words, Uncle R fell backwards while flames surrounded him and he screamed ‘Nooooooooooo’ saying to the Lord “Lord please tell the people of South Africa they must not disobey the Lord”.

Visit to Hell

Given to Charis on July 7, 2011

The Lord Jesus Christ took my then-10 year old daughter Charis to Hell on July 07, 2011.
Before this visit to Hell the Lord had her fast for 4 days, during this time of fasting she was to read her bible four (4) hours a day and pray four (4) times a day . It was not the first time the Lord asked her to fast especially before revealing a major vision to her.

“I saw the Lord coming down on a cloud, He took me by my hand and suddenly I saw myself and the Lord walking in a very long and dark road. We arrived at a big dark hole and we entered through it and I immediately smelled a very horrendous odour. I never smelled something like that before. It was all dark all around. The Lord was the only light figure there and to my right, I saw a very ugly demon. He had very long nails and it was stinking. This demon had a long sharp head with 4 arms and he was full of green snotty stuff.

To my left, I saw one Ben 10's alien this one was full of fire. These demons were looking at us but I didn’t look in their faces.  We walked a little further then we were standing in front of Uncle P (a person known to the family he died more than 5 years ago in a car accident) I also heard a lot of terrible screams coming from all sides. The Lord’s light fell on him so I could see, and I saw his face in skeleton form. He was burning in hell. When he saw me and recognised me, he spoke up saying: "Help me, help me Charis (with a painful scream in his voice) please go tell my wife and children not to come to this place, I am begging you, it’s terrible here". I asked the Lord: ‘Lord Jesus, why is uncle P in hell’ and the Lord replied saying: "Because he did not give his life to God, that is why he is in hell". After this visit the Lord brought me back home and I find myself in our backyard”. End of visitation.

Visit to Heaven

Given to Charis on May 16, 2011

"This was the vision the Lord showed me. I saw the Lord coming down on a cloud and He said:’ come my daughter Charis come and hold my hand’. I found myself riding on a cloud and we went high in the sky. The next moment we were in Heaven and I saw very beautiful and different coloured flowers, flowers and colours I never saw in this life. This was on each side of the golden shiny road that had no dust.

We then arrived at a very long table, the Lord's Table that had no ending. I saw a pure white sheet with a golden stripe in the middle. There were golden cups, plates and cutlery everything seemed ready to be used.  We just glanced at the table and what was upon it, and it was like going through another door and I saw the Big Father sitting high up, I lifted my head to look at Him. His face was all just light I could not see eyes but from His chest down I noticed a golden belt the with words written on it said saying: "I am the Father" and then I saw the Lord's throne to the right of the Big Father it had very beautiful precious stones of different kinds.  While standing before the Throne of God, I could see a far off some Angels being busy with something, but I cannot say what they were doing.

The Big Father spoke to me and said. "Don't be Scared My daughter Charis, I just love you very, very, very, very, very much". After the Father spoke these Word's to me, and with my hand still in the Lord's hand we came down from Heaven and I find myself at home in our backyard where the Lord always meet with me. He told me that He loved me and my family”. The Lord said He was coming again on Wednesday (This was for his next visit). End of visit.

Vision of the Rapture  

Given to Charis on April 25, 2010

"I saw the Lord coming on a cloud with a very loud shout, there was two of me and I saw me, my father, my mother and Claudia (my then 4 year old sister) we were standing in our kitchen and it was like my birthday, there was a cake on the table with a big number 12 written on it. There were 12 pink candles on the cake. I did not know what was happening when suddenly the roof opened by itself and we went high up in the sky where the Lord was. There were many of other people also going up. We were all in a very big, big room with many other people that I don't know.

Suddenly there were two of me and below people were running away in all directions looking for a hiding place, but as they were running, the Lord would find them and the high mountains were brought down by the Lord so that the running people would not hide from the Lord. And I heard the Lord said: "This is the Rapture".

I then saw the devil (this might have been anti-Christ) with a skeleton face making people to stand in a very long line he told them to take the 666 and if they don't want it they are to be killed, this is end”.


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