The way is now straight
Published on Sep 5, 2013
Children of the Most High, this is your Lord and Savior speaking, Yeshua Ha Mashiach.
Beloved of God, I speak words of truth unto you now. The way is now straight, certain for those found in Me, for those who are accounted for, truly of Me. To know the way is to know Me. To be where I desire you to be, doing My will, living a righteous, holy life according to My commandments.
My children must be set apart. Consecrated, no longer living as the world does but tapped into another dimension of time and space. You see children, there is a more blatant divide now, a most obvious separation and it grows. It shall continue to grow. Physically is the separation becoming most apparent. My light bearers shall be known for all to see. My power and glory is upon them - tangible it becomes. Felt and experiences bu all it shall be.
Children such separation causes animosity on the part of others. Those who are living in darkness. For them it causes discomfort, jealousy, envy, anger and bitterness. Strife and conflict. You who are vessels of My light and truth are also doubled-edged swords, stones of offense, stumbling blocks. You reveal what is not, you prove what is so. You reflect Me and therefore make null and void any pretense to sin, to excuse what is an abomination to Me.
Children, this reality shall be yours. You will be guides unto others. Pillars of strength, Salt upon the earth. Through you others shall be drawn unto Me, they will seek Me. They will desire what I AM in you, what you have with Me. I will move through you, all aspects of your life and world in mightier ways.
Does not the wind foretell of such magnificent changes? Trust not in vain appearances but the movement and shifts of the spirit. Trust only in I who is mighty to save, who does the impossible. Much glory is before you children. My light beckons the Lost. It calls...
Children of the Most High, this is your Lord and Savior speaking, Yeshua Ha Mashiach.
Beloved of God, I speak words of truth unto you now. The way is now straight, certain for those found in Me, for those who are accounted for, truly of Me. To know the way is to know Me. To be where I desire you to be, doing My will, living a righteous, holy life according to My commandments.
My children must be set apart. Consecrated, no longer living as the world does but tapped into another dimension of time and space. You see children, there is a more blatant divide now, a most obvious separation and it grows. It shall continue to grow. Physically is the separation becoming most apparent. My light bearers shall be known for all to see. My power and glory is upon them - tangible it becomes. Felt and experiences bu all it shall be.
Children such separation causes animosity on the part of others. Those who are living in darkness. For them it causes discomfort, jealousy, envy, anger and bitterness. Strife and conflict. You who are vessels of My light and truth are also doubled-edged swords, stones of offense, stumbling blocks. You reveal what is not, you prove what is so. You reflect Me and therefore make null and void any pretense to sin, to excuse what is an abomination to Me.
Children, this reality shall be yours. You will be guides unto others. Pillars of strength, Salt upon the earth. Through you others shall be drawn unto Me, they will seek Me. They will desire what I AM in you, what you have with Me. I will move through you, all aspects of your life and world in mightier ways.
Does not the wind foretell of such magnificent changes? Trust not in vain appearances but the movement and shifts of the spirit. Trust only in I who is mighty to save, who does the impossible. Much glory is before you children. My light beckons the Lost. It calls...
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