Pastors are Not Perfect

During the last week and this past Sunday (August 25, 2013), the Lord Jesus Christ gave Charis visions about pastors. These revelations are meant to warn us and to warn pastors. The Lord wants them to submit to His authority and repent. In my observation of pastors, many of them think that their knowledge about God will save them. They are serving themselves and they don’t consider themselves as servants but as those that must be served and adored. They use certain scriptures to elevate themselves and to consider their word as final. They are leading many people astray especially those who rely on their every word instead of reading the Bible for themselves.
Furthermore, as ministers of the word of God, we are called to live holy (Titus 1:7-9; 2 Corinthians 7:1; Hebrews 12:14) and to encourage holy living. In this brief introduction, we are not mentioning these things to shame pastors, but to save pastors from the trap of self-elevation. They are all following the same trend. Church activities have become more administrative than soul winning. They teach knowledge and encourage the flock to run after the things of the world through their prosperity doctrine.
As for us in this ministry, we have been sent today to pastors and believers in Lord Jesus Christ to announce to you that the Lord Jesus Christ is angry with some ministers, and as we will see later, some prominent pastors are on their way to hell. In our past visions, we did not reveal the identities of some ministers. After much prayer and having examined the Scriptures, we are convicted to warn the people about them and to mention their names (2 Timothy 2:17-18). We are also encouraged by the Apostle Paul’s rebuke of Peter as a respected witness to warn others and to lead Peter to correction (Galatians 2:11-14). There are also many other men in Scripture who were exposed for their duplicity to warn the flock against them, and today there should be no exception (2 Timothy 4:10; 3 John 1:9-11; 2 Timothy 4:14-15).
As a ministry, small as we are, we owe love and the truth to the body of believers (Ephesians 4:15). There are many people, including members our family, who do not believe that the Lord is speaking to us, and if you don’t believe the things we testify to you, just remember we have been a witness to you for your good. We are not chasing after anyone’s flock or anyone’s money; we simply share with you what the Lord passes on to us. Some pastors are treating us with suspicion when we tell them what the Lord says. They believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit but when the gifts are being manifested, it is to true to be believed. They doubt and ignore God’s warning to their own detriment. Without further ado, we will reveal the visions from our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
 “I had a vision this morning (August 26, 2013) after our 6:30 AM prayers. The Lord appeared in a dazzling long white robe. He had a golden crown on His head with various shiny stones all around. The Lord had golden sandals on and He had a sash across His chest written in golden letters “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS”. He was sitting in our living room and said: “There is no article. Your father must write about pastors and the NAMES MUST BE PUT IN”.
As you may see, the Lord has given us permission to reveal the names of these ministers. We asked the Lord if we may identify the people in these visions to you and He said we may do so.
Vision of Carlton Pearson and Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio)
“I had a vision this morning (August 22, 2013) that I was transported in the spirit to America. I saw myself standing in front of the statue of liberty. There were people standing there staring at this image. I then saw a pastor going inside the statue of liberty. The vision changed and I saw this pastor (Carlton Pearson) at home. I saw how he was swearing and beating his wife and children. He said his children must read comic books (I saw some comic books such as “Mysterious” and “Batman”). His children wanted to read the Bible and he grabbed the Bible out of their hands, swearing at the Bible saying the Bible is not for children but for adults only.
The vision changed and I saw the pastor in a church, I saw the people praying, and while they were praying the pastor became drowsy and fell vomiting black stuff. After that he spoke and said: “It is not wrong to read comic books and people must write down their bad thoughts in a diary”. After this, I entered the statue of liberty and there was a microphone and I addressed the people standing there and said: “People (waving my Bible) this Word is for children, adults and older people. Don’t think everything pastors do and say is right; some pastors are very wicked”. After I said that, the people were laughing at me screaming, “Pastor holy, Pastor holy”. I then concluded and said, “People, this is a teaching from the Lord but you don’t seem to care!”
Soon after this, I found myself in another location. I saw countless people standing in the shape of a doughnut. I saw Pope Francis standing in the middle, closing his mouth with his left hand, laughing at them. These people were worshipping and whatever the pope said they did. He told them to worship him naked, and I saw them all naked worshipping.
The Interpretation of the Vision as Provided by The Lord
“During our praise and worship session this past Saturday (August 24, 2013), I, Charis, was urged by the Holy Spirit to pray and ask the Lord to give the meaning of this vision. The Lord appeared to me again after our morning prayers on Sunday morning (August 25, 2013). He again showed me the above vision. I entered a white room and as the vision was showing, the Lord had it paused as He explained the meaning to me.
The part where the pastor (Carlton Pearson) was vomiting black stuff, I saw about 13 creatures in the shape of a heart with long thin legs and arms dancing around him and these things seem to be hypnotising him to become drowsy and vomit and he would fall to the floor and vomit. I saw that there was a very fat bear inside of him. This bear is in the shape of his body. I understood in the vision that this bear was being fed these wrong teachings, and when the pastor vomits, he is taking out the old wrong teaching and must make way for new wrong teachings.
The part in the vision, where he is beating his wife and children, the Lord says that he was beating their faith and strength in the Lord and discouraging them. They no longer care about the Lord and read their Bibles, but they follow him in his wrongs. As for the part where he is entering the statue of liberty, he is idolizing it and worships it at night when he prays.
That part where the people are worshipping before the Pope, the Lord says the Pope is making a fool of the people and the nakedness is that some of them don’t know they are spiritually naked while the others are ashamed of their Catholic teachings but they afraid of being ostracised by the others”. End of vision!
Vision of Bishop TD Jakes and Pastor Freddy Edwards
“I had a vision this morning (August 25, 2013) after our 06:30 prayers. I was transported in the spirit to America again and I saw Bishop T.D Jakes standing by the pulpit with his arms open as he declared, “Isn’t this a wonderful big church”? And I heard everybody replying saying ‘Yes!’ I then saw the ceiling opening in a square and we heard the Lord’s voice from Heaven saying: “This man is WORLDLY and he is going to HELL; he will get stones in his mouth and he will be hanged up in HELL”. We then asked the Lord why, he is pastor and the Lord said: “Pastors don’t actually go to Heaven; they are going to HELL, because they sometimes lead people wrong and they are also leading people to ME. But they themselves think they are perfect.”
Suddenly the vision changed and I saw in a television screen a picture of Pastor Freddy Edwards (South African Bishop) and I heard the Lord say, “I don’t really speak to Pastor Freddy Edwards; it is the devil that tells him about those millions of Rands. I don’t care about those millions; I only care about My WORD.” I said ‘Thank you Lord for the teaching” and the Lord said, “Continue to pray for all pastors.” End of Vision!
In conclusion, last year November 27, 2012 we wrote a vision called Judgement pronounced upon hypocritical pastors. The Lord referred to Pastor Freddy Edwards here, so I emailed his secretary and asked for his email address to warn him, but he never replied. This is a warning again from the Lord to him and many other pastors who follow their lead and imitate their ways. Preach the word, flee from the world of desire, live holy and encourage holiness and holy living to the flock of God.
Since this is a warning to pastors, I must also mention that we wrote a vision about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome on the article posted on February 12, 2013. This vision was given to Jaydeen (11 years) and the Lord had not given the full interpretation of this vision. This vision given on February 8, 2013 is called Vision of a Well-known Pastor who Endorses Worldly Music.  You may read and pray for pastors, but be aware of wrong teachings that lead you into sin. If we, or any minister, preach and teach something that encourages sin, selfishness, greed and worldliness, BEWARE! Those who promote their church and ministry only do so to attract more members which translate to more money for them. Read your Bible daily, judge the messages you hear being preached (1 Thessalonians 5:21). This is a warning from our Lord Jesus Christ, so seek the Lord and repent. To the flock: don’t take your pastor’s part, but judge the messages he or she presents objectively and consistent with what the Bible teaches. The Bible is our ONLY ROAD MAP TO HEAVEN!
Brother Glenn, Charis and Jaydeen.


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