“I am your GOD and I am telling you, that you will not enter MY Kingdom if you have un-forgiveness for anyone.”

(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, July 21, 2013)
I am ready to begin:  Children, this is your GOD speaking.  I am going to speak on the topic of forgiveness. 
MY children, you are unforgiving.  You hold onto un-forgiveness like it is a prize cow.  I am your GOD and I am telling you, that you will not enter MY Kingdom if you have un-forgiveness for anyone.  This cannot be.  I will not tolerate an unforgiving heart.  It is an abomination to ME.  You must forgive and forget and let go of those past sadness’s. 
I will release you from your hurt and pain, if you just turn to ME.  I am the ONE WHO will bring you healing: the heart healing that you need so badly.  I will mend your broken hearts.  I will deliver you from heartache.  I can do it, no one else.  Other people will disappoint you.  They do not have the heart of GOD.  Their hearts are imperfect and human.  They lack sensitivity and grace.  I am the HEART that beats for eternity.  MY Heart is strong and vibrant, resilient, and ever-beating.
Lay your sadness’s down at MY Feet: all the death blows that are dealt by MY enemy, who works through those around you.  Forgive those around you for the way the enemy has worked through them to cause you pain.  Although you suffer, it is at the hand of the enemy more than those around you. They are just weak, because they do not have the Power of MY HOLY SPIRIT to ward off sin and walk perfect in MY Will.
It is only by the Power of MY HOLY SPIRIT that anyone can do MY Will. You must surrender your ALL to ME to be in MY Will, to have the Power of MY HOLY SPIRIT to ward off evil.  To be made ready to come into MY Kingdom you must be in MY Perfect Will. 
Ask ME to be in MY Will.  I will lead you down paths of righteousness.  I will make you ready for MY Coming.  There is no other way.  I will give you the spotless garments that are required to stand in MY presence, just ask ME and do not delay.  The hour of MY Return is swiftly moving in.  I do not want to leave you behind to face the terror of MY enemy.
Your GOD has Spoken
Do not delay in preparing for MY Coming
Coordinating Scripture:
Matthew 6:15 (KJV):  But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your FATHER forgive your trespasses.
Ephesians 6:12 (KJV):  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Psalm 23:3 (KJV): HE restoreth my soul: HE leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for HIS Name's sake.
Galatians 6:8 (KJV):  For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the SPIRIT shall of the SPIRIT reap life everlasting.
Galatians 5:24 (KJV): And they that are CHRIST's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
Jonathan’s- Word from GOD
7/10/13: 1:50 P.M.
While praying in tongues with my Mom & Brother, JESUS said, “If you continue not to heed MY Word, chastisement will come.” End.
Sebastian’s- Word from GOD
7/10/13: 4:24 P.M.
GOD said, “Prepare for MY Coming.” End.
Sebastian’s- Word from GOD
7/17/13: 11:47 P.M.
While praying in tongues with my Mom, GOD said, “Love and prepare for My Coming.”  End.
Sebastian’s Word from GOD
7/28/13: 11:39 P.M.
While praying in tongues with my Mom, GOD said, “Tell the Church prepare for My coming!”
Sebastian’s- Vision from GOD
8/08/13: 12:13 A.M
While praying in tongues with my Mom, I saw the first horseman of the apocalypse. When I saw him from one view, he was all white but when I looked at another view, he was all black. Revelations 6:2
Sebastian’s – Vision from GOD
8/09/13: 9:28 A.M.
While praying in tongues with my Mom, I saw a rider on a pale horse, and the rider has black coat with a skull face. Revelations 6: 8
Charlotte’s – Voice from the LORD
8/09/13: 2: 04 P.M.
I heard trumpet sound. GOD shut my earthly hearing momentarily and let me hear the trumpet. End.
(The LORD wants me to share this)
Sebastian’s- Word from GOD
8/11/13:bet. 6 – 6:45 P.M
While praying, GOD said, “Prepare for My Coming.” End.
Jonathan’s- Word from GOD
8/11:13: 8:55 P.M.
While praying in tongues, “JESUS said, “DON’T FALL ASLEEP!” End.
Sebastian’s- Vision from GOD
8/12/13: 4:43 P.M.
While praying in tongues with my Mom & Brother, I saw a rider on a black horse with an electronic scale in his hand. End.  Revelations 6:5
Charlotte’s – Voice from the LORD
8/12/13: 10:55 A.M.
During my deep intercession prayer, The LORD let me hear the trumpet sound. Similarly to the previous sounds I have heard before.
(Prepare saints, the LORD’s coming is imminent!)
Sebastian’s-Vision from GOD
8/13/13: 5:59 P.M.
While praying in tongues with my Mom, I saw a rider all in red on a red horse. Revelations 6:4 End.
Jonathan’s-Word from GOD
8/13:13:6:06 P.M.
While praying in tongues, “JESUS said, “BE READY!” End.
Jonathan’s- Word from GOD
8/21/13: 3:37 P.M.
While praying in tongues with Mom, JESUS said, “Be Ready!” End.
Sebastian’s- Word from GOD
8/20/13: 10:07 P.M.
While praying in tongues with my Mom, GOD said, “Tell MY church I am coming; many are asleep and need to be awakened.” End.


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