Dream From The Lord Jesus Christ: The End

On the morning of March 20, 2013, I received the following dream from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:

I was in a city in my country and I was looking at the blood red moon in the sky.  I then saw an angel encircle the moon three (3) times.  After this, the sky opened and the Lord Jesus Christ descended into the earth's atmosphere with the words "THE END" flashing on and off, all in capital letters and red in color under His feet.  Soon after that, I once again saw that the earth was extremely dark and I was taken to a place where the moonlight was reflecting on the sea with such radiance.  As I looked down into the water, I saw a countless number of souls dressed in either black or extremely dirty and torn clothing walking under the water going into hell.  These souls had no resistance or choice in where they were going. They appeared to be hypnotized and just following orders.  They were lifeless and dead,  but walking to hell. From there the Holy Spirit made me to understand that the time is up, time is over.  We are now at the end of all things. 
The end.
My brothers and sisters, let us all keep praying for the living who do not know Yeshua Hamashiach - Jesus Christ.  Lets pray without ceasing for all mankind including ourselves and for a full oil lamp and for a spirit of repentance and the love of Christ.  By the Holy Spirit indwelling in us and a full oil lamp, we will truly make it in thru the narrow door. 


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