My children, do not assume but make sure that I am still pleased with you. Do not look at other people but look at yourselves. Many lost their zeal for Me and My Kingdom. They have all kind of excuses. I know every heart and all motives. They have become lukewarm and I am about to vomit them out of My Mouth. Not everyone who proclaims that they are My children are pleasing to Me. Do not be deceived.
Not everyone who says to Me Lord, Lord will see Me nor enter into Heaven. I will say to many in that day: Go away, I never knew you, you who work iniquity. What will I say to you? That is all that matters. You can know. Ask Me who knows and who is able to reveal the truth. Do not wait. You do not know how much time you have left. I am about to vomit the lukewarm out of My Mouth. Let no one deceive you with empty words. Be serious, do not be lukewarm.
Are you still on fire for Me and My Kingdom or do you lack zeal. Wake up before it might be too late and you will be very disappointed and only have yourself to blame. You must be shining lights for Me in this world that is full of darkness and do not be darkness yourselves like so many are and still think that I am pleased with them, while I am not. They only deceive themselves. Wake up, repent before it will be too late. Now is mercy time, tomorrow might be too late. There will be no mercy without true remorseful repentance. Do not be lukewarm.
Not everyone who says to Me Lord, Lord will see Me nor enter into Heaven. I will say to many in that day: Go away, I never knew you, you who work iniquity. What will I say to you? That is all that matters. You can know. Ask Me who knows and who is able to reveal the truth. Do not wait. You do not know how much time you have left. I am about to vomit the lukewarm out of My Mouth. Let no one deceive you with empty words. Be serious, do not be lukewarm.
Are you still on fire for Me and My Kingdom or do you lack zeal. Wake up before it might be too late and you will be very disappointed and only have yourself to blame. You must be shining lights for Me in this world that is full of darkness and do not be darkness yourselves like so many are and still think that I am pleased with them, while I am not. They only deceive themselves. Wake up, repent before it will be too late. Now is mercy time, tomorrow might be too late. There will be no mercy without true remorseful repentance. Do not be lukewarm.
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