Message of The Lord
MESSAGE: Daughter, today, I will give you important things, for My Beloved Bride, that they all need to hear.
My children, I come to you today, through My Beloved daughter, Laura, to give you important information. These days are critical for you, My Bride, My Beloveds. I am carrying you through, with Me, into the new age. MY age, MY Kingdom, MY light. You MUST be completely purified,
cleansed, and refined. I need My Bride to be of PURE HOLY LIGHT. Forsake all I ask of you, clear your hearts of all troubles and turmoil. There is no room for it to reside with My pure holy light, that is within you all. Question NOT My orders for you. Your process and thinking, is of your brain, and not of My Ruach, Holy Spirit. Allow Me to guide you, children, through My Spirit, who dwells within you. Become a beacon of light to others darkness, keep planting those seeds for Me to water, as I AM, the Living Water. Give out your breadcrumbs, they do not understand
now, but soon, those crumbs you leave for them, will be a tasty morsel, unto them. They will devour each one, as they come to know My truths, there in the last days, the days of darkness. Your, children, are the light shining on their darkened paths. You, children, are their hope for a
tomorrow, with Me, in My Kingdom. I tell you, children, My plan is so great! I Am the Son of The Most High God of all, Yahweh, glorious is He, from who all life began. I wish none to perish, and so, I WILL make a way. Prepare thyselves, for My coming. Keep your garments white, your oil that is My Holy Spirit filled. Be strong in Me, and through Me. I Am your Good Shepherd. Your King, and your Beloved one. I come very soon, to remove you, and allow you entrance to your season of rest, while the rest, the unpure, they struggle to find their way, in their own trials. Worry not, children, just stay on our knees, praying for My lost ones, and My disobedient ones who are neither nor nor cold.
They are your brothers and sisters, the fallen, and they need your prayers and guidance in these last days, and for the days ahead. Many of My called and chosen, are ready now, for their journey back Home. Ready to take their season of rest. And ready to be reconciled back unto
The Father. These are My special ones, tried and true. Believing in Me, forsaking all others, and knowing Me as personal Savior, and also Friend. For I Am all in all, children. All you need, and all that you should want. I give all TO you.
Believe in Me, and do for Me, and you will prosper in My Kingdom. I will make you to be great leaders, and helpers, and your life for Me in the Kingdom, will be most pleasant, and rewarding. Children, My Kingdom will be so wonderful, you cannot imagine. Stay with Me, children, I am your
Bread of Life, your Living Water, and your solid foundation. Set yourself on Me, and you shall not stumble All glory, honor, and praise belongs to Me. Give unto Me what I require, and I will give unto great treasures in My Kingdom. Be blessed
children, and know that I am coming very soon for you. Love Yahshua, your Master, your Savior, your Friend, and your great leader.
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