
My children, you must always be humble, that is pleasing to Me. Humble yourselves therefore before Me and do not be arrogant like so many are. It is not pleasing to Me although many think it is. It is because they do not truly know Me nor do they really love Me, that is why they are arrogant and full of pride. I know every heart. Be always humble and have a repentant heart.

I will exalt the humble but the arrogant I will humble at My time. Do not be arrogant yourselves but be always humble. I love the humble but the arrogant I will humble.

Come before My Throne of grace humbly to receive mercy. I hear and I answer prayer at My time, according to My will. Plead humbly for mercy for yourselves, loved ones, friends for souls to be spared and saved in this perilous time. I do not fail.

Many are dying daily without Me and it is not My will that anyone perish but that all repent to have eternal life. I force no one. Each one must come humbly to Me. I am the only Savior of the world, there is none like Me and will never be. Those who are arrogant, who refuse will bear the consequences. I love and I do care, that is why I call many to repentance but few answer to My call. There will be no mercy without true remorseful repentance. Be humble enough to repent to receive mercy and grace from Me. Without Me you will be lost. I am the only Way, the Truth and the Life. Let no one deceive you.



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